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蓄水池基坑双排钢板桩结构土压力和排距优化设计(论文).pdf 第1页
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· 1· 蓄水池基坑双排钢板桩结构土压力   和排距优化设计 刘月淼 (中国电建集团河北工程有限公司,石家庄 050021)    [摘 要 ] 为探究蓄水池基坑双排钢板桩结构土压力分布规律及排距设计优化方案,通过构建有限元数 值模型进行分析,并将结果与模型试验数据进行对比分析,评估有限元模型参数选取的精确度和可靠性。 基于有限元数值模拟结果,发现三维空间效应在蓄水池基坑双排钢板桩结构中表现显著;优化土压力分布 计算流程和钢板桩排距取值范围(针对比例系数计算法进行优化),建立更为简单、易操作的计算公式; 对比模型试验和有限元数值模拟结果,发现数值模型参数的选取及模拟结果具有较高的精确度和可靠性, 该研究可为类似工程建设提供技术参考和理论借鉴。    [关键词 ] 有限元数值模型;三维空间效应;双排钢板桩结构;土压力和排距优化    [中图分类号]  TU 447     [文献标志码]  B     [文章编号]  1001 -523X (2022 )19-0001 -03 OPTIMAL DESIGN OF SOIL PRESSURE AND ROW SPACING FOR DOUBLE ROW STEEL SHEET PILE STRUCTURE IN RESERVOIR FOUNDATION PIT Liu Yue-miao    [Abstract ]  In this paper, in order to explore the distribution law of soil pressure of double-row steel sheet pile structure in the foundation pit of the reservoir and the optimization scheme of row spacing, the finite element numerical model is constructed for analysis, and the results are compared with the model test data to evaluate the selection of finite element model parameters. accuracy and reliability. Based on the finite element numerical simulation results, it is found that the three-dimensional space effect is significant in the double-row steel sheet pile structure of the reservoir foundation pit. The calculation process of the earth pressure distribution and the value range of the steel sheet pile row distance are optimized (for the calculation method of the proportional coefficient) optimization) to establish a simpler and easier-to-operate calculation formula. Comparing the results of model tests and finite element numerical simulations, it is found that the selection of numerical model parameters and the simulation results have high accuracy and reliability, and this research can be used for similar projects, which provides technical and theoretical reference.    [Keywords ] finite element numerical model; three-dimensional spatial effects; double-row sheet pile structure; earth pressure and row spacing optimization 收稿日期 :2022–06–09 作者简介 :刘月淼(1994—),男,河北邢台人,主要研究方向为 岩土工程。 众多学者针对基坑双排钢板桩结构的特性,展开 了详细的研究和探讨。陈平等基于有限元数值模拟, 发现钢板桩在单板受力时,其力值要大于双排钢板桩 紧扣受力时的力值,说明钢板桩存在显著的“群桩效 应”;且内支撑的增设相较钢板桩抗弯模量的提高, 更易控制基坑的水平形变。徐顺平等基于某地区的围 堰支护工程,利用有限元软件对双排钢板桩支护结构 的在不同抽水速率和不同桩长工况下,进行力学稳定 性分析,发现前长后短的双排钢板桩布置方案具有较 为优异的稳定特性,且围堰的水平形变深受抽水深度 和抽水速率的影响。邹志业利用有限元软件分