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异形平面形状条件下预制拱形地铁车站排布研究与应用(论文).pdf 第1页
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建筑施工·第44卷·第11期 2705 异形平面形状条件下预制拱形地铁车站排布研究与应用 朱文彪 上海市机械施工集团有限公司 上海 200072 摘要: 通过分析现有拱形结构在异形平面条件下排布设计中存在的问题,综合考虑了跨度、拱座标高和伸出长度的影 响,提出了在立面以斜切圆柱面实现拱结构两端面跨度不等,在平面上以异形平面中心线为定位基准线,以拱座最小 伸出长度和标高为控制值,确定拱座与预制拱结构的分界线。然后以异形平面中心线为预制结构排布基准,使得预制 构件不仅中心位于平面中心线上,而且预制构件纵轴线垂直于平面中心线。新型排布方法不仅能解决复杂异形平面形 状条件下拱形结构两端跨度不等的难题,同时能够实现拱结构两端拱座的标高和伸出长度保持一致,实现社会效益和 经济效益皆优的有益效果。 关键词: 异形平面形状;异形平面中心线;预制拱结构;拱座;跨度 中图分类号: TU99 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004-1001(2022)11-2705-04 DOI: 10.14144/j.cnki.jzsg.2022.11.047 Research and Application of Prefabricated Arch Subway Station Layout Under the Condition of Irregular Plane Shape ZHU Wenbiao Shanghai Mechanized Construction Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200072, China Abstract: By analyzing the problems existing in the layout design of existing arch structures under the condition of irregular planes, and taking into account the influence of span, arch pedestal elevation and extension length, it is proposed to realize the unequal spans of the two end faces of arch structures on the facade by means of diagonally tangent cylindrical surfaces, to determine the boundary between the arch pedestal and the prefabricated arch structure by taking the center line of the irregular plane as the positioning reference line on the plane, and the minimum extension length and elevation of the arch pedestal as the control values. Then take the center line of the special - shaped plane as the layout datum of the prefabricated structure, so that the center of the prefabricated component is not only located on the center line of the plane, but also the longitudinal axis of the prefabricated component is perpendicular to the center line of the plane. The new layout method can not only solve the problem of unequal spans at both ends of the arch structure under the condition of complex irregular plane shape, but also achieve the same elevation and extension length of the arch pedestals at both ends of the arch structure, achieving the beneficial effect of excellent social and economic benefits. Keywords: s p ecia l- s h ap ed p la ne s h ap e; c ente r lin e o f s p ecia l- s h ap ed p la ne; p re fa b ric ate d a rc h s tr u ctu re ; a rc h p ed esta l; s p an 和 大厅的空间利用率,因此无柱地铁车站在地铁车站设计 中 已有应用,如图1所 示。 (a)上海衡山路地铁站 (b)美国华盛顿地铁车站 图1 无柱地铁车站 在无柱车站设计中,混凝土直梁一般适用于跨度小于 1 0 m 的 地铁车站;对于跨度超过20 m 的 车站而言,由于拱 形 结构容易实现较大跨度,结构受力合理,适合采用混凝 土 建造的优点,多采用拱形结构形式。同