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深基坑多层内支撑换撑拆撑方案对比分析(论文).pdf 第1页
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·447 · 深基坑多层内支撑换撑拆撑方案对比分析 樊 馗, 殷 涛, 李晓海 (中国五矿集团中冶京诚工程技术有限公司,100176,北京) 摘 要: 现代城市建设中越来越注重地下空间的综合利用,尤其以粤港澳大湾区为代表的滨海地带,地 下空间深大基坑比较常见,一般需要采用多层水平内支撑来保证基坑支护的稳定,其换撑与拆撑施工是深基 坑的重要内容,也对地下室主体结构的施工安全、质量、工期等产生很大影响。以某个设置双层内支撑的基 坑支护工程为实例,提出 4种不同的换撑拆撑施工方案,结合考虑外墙防水、基槽回填、施工缝设置、换撑 变化、施工顺序等内容进行对比分析,选择出适合项目的最优方案,以期实现最好的综合效益。 关键词:深基坑;多层内支撑;换撑拆撑;对比分析 中图分类号:TU 74 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-4726(2023)04-0447-04 comparison analysis of replacemenT and removal schemes for mul Tilayer inner suppor T in deep foundaTion piT Fan Kui, YIn Tao, LI Xiao-hai (China minmetals, MCC Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation Ltd., 100176, Beijing, China) abstract: In modern urban construction, more and more attention is paid to the comprehensive utilization of underground space, especially in the coastal zone represented by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Deep and large foundation pits in underground space are common, and multi-layer horizontal internal support is generally required to ensure the stability of foundation pit support, and the replacement and removal of support construction is an important content of deep foundation pit. Also with the basement main structure of the construction safety, quality, period of time to produce a great impact. This paper takes a foundation pit supporting project with double internal support as an example, and puts forward four different construction organization schemes. Considering external wall waterproof, foundation groove backfilling, construction joint setting, bracing change, construction sequence and so on, it makes a comparative analysis to select the optimal scheme suitable for the project, in order to achieve the best comprehensive benefits. Keywords: deep foundation pit; multilayer inner support; replacement and removal of support; comparison and analysis 某沿海城市旧城改造项目地处典型的滨海滩涂地 区,3 栋高层住宅楼的基础设计为 2层整体地下室, 基础底板埋深 10.85 m,坐落在深厚淤泥质土层中; 深基坑支护设有上下 2层钢筋混凝土水平内支撑,分 别位于地下室楼板和顶板的下部(图 1)。 部分设计参数:内支撑梁截面 600 mm×800 mm, 少量面积为 800 mm×800 mm,总长 3 730 m;上下 两层换撑对应基础底板和地下室楼板设置,沿基 槽四周间隔布置 500 mm×1 000 mm×3 400 mm@ 8 000 mm,混凝土强度等级与对应结构板相同。 基槽宽度平均约 1 000 mm,基槽回填有 3种材质 选项,经业主确认腰梁以下选用素混凝土灌注;外墙 –0.500 m 地下室顶板 栏杆 自然地面 外 墙 外 墙 外 墙 上部内支撑梁 –2.900 m 冠梁 地下室楼板 –5.450 m 下部内支撑梁 基础底板 –10.300 m 基底加固土 下