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复杂地质条件下的岩土工程勘察研究(论文).pdf 第1页
认和节能/通 地基与基础 第4 6卷第22期 Building Technology Development F o u n d a tio n a n d B a s e m e n t 2 0 1 9年 11 月复杂地质条件下的岩土工程勘察研究闫凤屿(河北中色华冠岩土工程有限公司,河 北 三 河 065201 )[摘要]岩土工程勘察是地质工程勘察中的重要工作,复杂的地质环境增加了岩土工程施工的难度。提高岩土工程勘察技 术质量,是复杂地质环境下岩土工程勘察工作的重要保证。岩土工程勘察技术在复杂地质条件下的应用,提高了岩土工程勘察 工作的高效性和精准性。对岩土工程勘察技术的特点进行了分析,结合复杂地质条件下岩土工程施工的实际情况,对岩土工程 勘察技术的应用进行了研究。? ? ! 岩 土 工 程 ;复杂 地 质 条 件 ;高密度电法勘察;地质钻探交$北缺T U195 [文献标志码]A [文 章 编 号 ]1001-523X (2019) 22-0157-02木郭理人郭:才质.:总代 市质北.质郭郭建.质北 设质学郭工人.北总人.理质 司质表郭建 测理咨程代郭中 Geological Conditionsj i9 F e n g -yuA b stract ] Geotechnical engineering investigation is an important work in geological engineering investigation. The complex geological environment increases the difficulty o f geotechnical engineering construction. Improving the quality o f geotechnical engineering survey technology is an important guarantee for geotechnical engineering survey work in complex geological environment. The application of geotechnical engineering survey technology in complex geological conditions has improved the efficiency and accuracy o f geotechnical engineering survey work. In this paper, the characteristics o f geotechnical engineering survey technology are analyzed, and the application o f geotechnical engineering survey technology is studied in combination with the actual situation o f geotechnical engineering construction under complex geological conditions.李 刘事计胜询监筑经 ] geotechnical engineering ; complex geological conditions ; high density electrical prospecting ; geological drilling??vV P   V ? b ?R??eM??)NV? 6??>?3?5R?eM??~?8?vVP ?Pb?£`???D%\、V????$?? ?$?. K ? ? ? ?eM??????/??]8? vVP  ? ? 3? R ? eM????vVP?Vb??v VP?????\、k?vVP?V???$3? R?eM??b?vVP???${??vVP^?VP?V~?5?v???(? 8V?3? ? v    P b ? i??M????< V  & ?? v ? ? )?v??n?3?vi?m,??] ???=< Bn??H)&?vVP?F??$3 <???vVP?Pb????/??]8? v V??_S?e5??FXY8Q<?^?R ??eM??L?vVPV???>?3EFeM ???v??????S?? ??vVP???_? ?vPb5?v8\J3? R ??eM?L? ?v5eM?8?????3bc?w??vV P   ? ] ?oKH??vVP?????3R?eM ? ? L ??vVPV?5?V~????8?? ??oK???V~???'(??_,S??/?? V yB????F35 R ? e M??8?v?o K??e???VVP?eM???_EFeM?(? 6??eLM5?VL#?&3?vV?bH?e M ? ? ??XY?, V P ?V?S???F ?? k?vVP?V?????$??kVP?V?M83D R?eM??L?vVP??i?VP?V~??R?eM??&?EFeMQ 7 ? N aDG??G?GU? 1 Y Z a? ?  ????I ?? [ ? ? 9 : M :  ? m ?V P ( ?? ? h > ? ? , ? v V P   w? V 3??   ( ? ?5R?e M ? ? 8  ? V ` ?????/? ? v V P   ? ? 5 eM?8??3eMf??? ^?VP?V`?5?V~??eM???D??eM~? 8  ? M   ? ??k??£~??3eMf???o 5 ? V ~ ? ? ? l ? ?W??=<8???_5?l??  (?8  ? " ?,?N?VP? V x T \ ? V ? 3??? ? ^   5????8{???v??$????? ?? ? ? ?  3??????H??9??????5D` ? l?$M8??{?3?£V P ? V  P b ? i?? ? ? ? e , ?.K?????{??]^?5D`?e?? l ? 8 ??{?3?l????{?6H???? ???$???? ??F