4绍兴高铁北站TOD综 合 体 顶 目 专 题High speed Ra"way toth0 ??.nw ?? ?A ?????i??b>? ?? ?? ? d ? \ T ? y ? ? _ d ; d
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?N? ??X?19 ?T0D综合体项目,通过分析特殊位置的劲性混凝土柱施工方法,寻求最优做法,达到节省材
料、提高施工效率的效果。关键词:深基坑;劲性混凝土柱;支撑梁;预留洞中 图 分 类 号 :TU753 文 献 标 志 码 :A 文 章 编 号 :1〇〇4-1〇〇1(2022)〇2-0232-04 D O I: 10.14144/j.cnki.jzsg.2022.02.006合()工金土主土 )(集 合山山工主杂)专主志( 志办 城主.主集 开志(杂总团专团 开志工务/( 主( 司山团杂主)工 行志土主专主志( 主(4团团山 3志务(集)专主志( 行主专 开志(土专总务杂专主志(内丨 -外行务师 展城丨 合务师开杂师综 国内3业0 幢外务师话程师综 内丨 滩杂师综工专律务外 国3 1专程师土程外
The F irst C o m p a n y o f Chin a E ig h th E n g in e e rin g Bure a u Co.; Ltd., Jin an, S h a n d o n g 2 5 0 1 0 0 , Chin aC K h Gnz t G: With the development of society, high-rise buildings and deep foundation pit projects are increasing, the
commonly used support structures of deep foundation pit are underground diaphragm wall (or bored pile) and reinforced
concrete beams To increase the bearing capacity and stiffness of the vertical components of the basement, the column is
usually designed as a rigid concrete column, and the rigid concrete column will inevitably conflict with the position of the
support beam, resulting in great difficulty in the installation of the steel skeleton, and the position of the column coincides
with the position of the pile foundation, especially the single pile foundation structure column•巳ased on this, combined
with the TOD complex project of Shaoxing North Railway Station, by analyzing the construction method of rigid concrete
columns in special positions, the best practices are sought to achieve the effect of saving materials and improving
construction efficiency.5程1中 业(司海: deep foundation pit; rigid concrete column; support beam; reserved hole@ N ? ? ' ? ? j l I ? " 0 ? ? ?
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HD ?@ ? ? ? ? ? % ? * ? ?, G ?m结 合 工 程 实 例 ,
针 对 深 基 坑 逆 作 法 施 工 中 劲 性 混 凝 土 梁 柱 节 点 的 施 工 难
题 , 分 析 了 几 种 节 点 连 接 方 式 , 并 提 出 了 相 应 的