第 46卷 第 17期
施 工 技 术
DOI:10.7672/s s2017l7O073
橡 胶 粉 掺 量 与 粒 径 对 水 泥 砂 浆 抗 裂 性 和
耐 磨 性 的 影 响 研 究
牛 文 ,唐 德 密
(中交一公局第五S-程有限公司,北京 100024)
能。在水泥砂浆中橡胶粉按照体积相同的原则替代部分砂,橡胶粉的粒径分别为 6O,8O,100目,掺量取 5%,10%,
意义。结果表明:橡胶粉粒径相同掺量 0~15%时,砂浆基本强度呈线性降低的变化规律 ,韧性提高,抗开裂性和耐
磨性明显提高 ;橡胶粉粒径相同掺量 >15%时,砂浆强度急剧降低 ,耐磨性的改善效果降低,韧性和抗开裂性提高;
[中图分类号]U414.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002.8498(2017)17.0073-05
Study on Effect of Rubber Powder
Crack Resistance and W ear
M ixing Am ount and Particle Sl‘ze on
Resistance of Cem ent n ortar
(CCCC First Highway Fifth Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Be ng 100024,China)
Abstract:In order to alleviate the environmental problems caused by the accumulation of old tires,the
rubber powder was added to the cement mortar to improve the performance of the mortar.The rubber
powder in accordance with the principle of the same volume to replace part of the sand in the cement
mortar,rubber powder particle size of 60mesh,80mesh and 100mesh,the content was 5% ,10% ,15%
and 20% .To explore the effect of the content and particle size of rubber powder on the basic mechanical
strength,cracking resistance and wear resistance of mortar,which has practically significant to
engineering applications.The results show that when the size of rubber powder same and the content of
rubber powder is 0~1 5% ,the strength of cement mortar decreases linearly,the toughness increases,
and the crack resistance and wear resistance of cement was improved.When the size of rubber powders
same and the content of rubber powder is more than 1 5% .the strength of cement mortar decreased
sharply,the wear resistance decreased,toughness and crack resistance of cement increased.When the
content of rubber powder same,with the rubber powder particle size decreases,the basic mechanical
strength,crack resistance and wear resistance of cement mortar slightly improved.
Key words:road construction;cement mortar;waste rubber powder;crack Yesistanee;Wear resistance
0 引言
废 旧轮 胎 的堆 积 问 题 日益 突 出 ,科 学有 效 地 二
次 利 用 废 旧 轮 胎 ,将 其 变 废 为 宝 引 起 人 们 的 关
注 。水 泥混 凝 土 因其柔 性 差 、硬 化 过 程 中温 度 和
湿 度带 来 的变 形 裂 缝 等 缺 点 使 其应 用 受 限 。而
[作者简介】牛 文,高级工程师,E-mail:549606537@qq.coin [收稿日期]2017-05-09