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永临结合在房建项目中的应用(论文).pdf 第1页
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· 123 · 永临结合在房建项目中的应用 章雪松,杨正平,宋 闯,何俊龙 (中建二局第三建筑工程有限公司,北京 100070 )    [摘 要 ] 永临结合是指某项分部分项工程正式建筑中的一部分,同时在施工过程中需要该项工程所具 备的功能,故将临时设施与永久设施相结合,将施工现场永久设施按照图纸的做法提前施工,兼 作临时设 施进行现场施工,后期仅需少量进行修补便能达到永久设施的要求。房建项目施工过程中涉及许多永临结 合的应用,如道路永临结合、消防永临结合、外架基础永临结合等都用到了永临结合的思想。施工现场采 用道路永临结合,将地下室顶板永久道路兼 作装饰装修阶段临时施工道路,能够大 幅节约二次浇筑道路及 使用完毕后破除道路的费用并缩短建设项目工期,从而能够节省项目成本、工期,达到施工项目精益、高 效建造的要求。    [关键词 ] 房建工程;永临结合;地下室顶板道路;二次结构施工    [中图分类号]  TU 74      [文献标志码]  A     [文章编号]  1001 -523X (2022 )22-0123 -04 APPLICATION OF PERMANENT TEMPORARY COMBINATION IN HOUSING CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Zhang Xue-song, Yang Zheng-ping, Song Chuang, He Jun-long    [Abstract ] Combination of permanent and temporary as the name suggests, it means that a partial project is a part of a formal building, and the functions of the project are required in the construction process. Therefore, the temporary facilities are combined with permanent facilities, and the permanent facilities on the construction site are constructed in advance according to the methods of the drawings, which are also used as temporary facilities for on- site construction. Only a small amount of repair is needed in the later stage to meet the requirements of permanent facilities. Many applications of permanent temporary combination are involved in the construction of housing construction projects, such as permanent temporary combination of roads, permanent temporary combination of fire fighting, permanent temporary combination of outer frame foundation, etc. The construction site adopts the combination of permanent and temporary roads, and the permanent road of the basement roof is also used as the temporary construction road in the decoration stage, which can greatly save the cost of secondary pouring road and road breaking after use, and shorten the construction period of the construction project, so as to save the project cost and construction period, and meet the requirements of lean and efficient construction of the construction project.    [Keywords ] housing construction project; combination of permanent and temporary; basement roof road; secondary structure construction 现代房建工程秉持“高效建造、快速穿插”的经 营理念以达到项目降本增效的目的。项目施工各工序 之间紧密结合,理清各施工工序之间的关系,后续工 序提前施工为前端工序提供施工条件,是缩短工期、 节约成本最直接的手段。 传统房建施工项目在装饰装修施工阶段时单独浇 筑临时便道,施工完毕后将其破除再按照图纸要求浇 筑永久道路。此做法施工程序复杂且不易于对项目成 本及工期的控制。为适应现代建筑高效建造的要求, 需对部分分项工程进行提前施工。针对道路永临结合 施工过程进