建筑施工·第45卷·第4期 749
夏 雪
上海华城工程建设管理有限公司 上海 201399
摘要: 将污水处理池进行加盖,将臭气无序散发变为有组织收集处理后排放是常见的污水处理厂建设内容。为了将加
关键词: 移动式;除臭;集气罩;玻璃钢污水处理
TU99 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004-1001(2023)04-0749-04 DOI: 10.14144/j.cnki.jzsg.2023.04.035
Design, Manufacture and Engineering Application of Mobile Deodorization Gas
Gathering Hood for Sewage Treatment Tank
Shanghai Huacheng Engineering Construction Management Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201399, China
Abstract: It is a common construction content of sewage treatment plant to cover the sewage treatment tank and
change the disordered emission of odor into organized collection, treatment and discharge. To reduce the impact of
gas gathering hood on operation management, a mobile deodorization gas gathering hood is developed, which can be
opened at any time according to the maintenance requirements. The glass fiber reinforced plastic material is used to
reduce the mass of gas gathering hood, and the sealing soft curtain and pulley system are considered at the bottom to
achieve the sealing effect while making the opening operation simple and easy. Through the application example in large
sewage treatment tank, the practicability and popularization of mobile deodorization gas gathering hood are verified. The
experience summarized can be used for reference by similar projects.
m ob ile ; d eod oriz a tio n; g as g ath erin g h ood ; g la ss fib er r e in fo rc ed p la stic s e w ag e tr e atm ent
费 用,并提高后续处理的效率 [1 -4 ] 。
除 臭集气罩是用拱形盖板把污染源局部或整体密闭起
来 ,使污染物的扩散被限制在一个很小的密闭空间内,同
时 从罩中排出一定量的空气,使罩内保持一定的负压,罩
外 的空气经罩上的缝隙流入罩内,以达到防止污染物外逸
的 目的。某些采用时空切换的复杂污水处理工艺,如一体
化 活性污泥法的污水处理池由于处理工艺较为复杂,运行
过 程中需要随时巡视、检查曝气的均匀性、曝气器是否脱
落 、边池中的污泥颜色、出水池的出水透明度和洁净度等
内 容,便于运行人员判断一体化生物反应池的运行工况,
即 时做出必要的运行参数调整。因此,将移动式除臭集气
罩 研发应用于此类工程,其意义重大。
2 移动式除臭集气罩的设计及制造
2.1 技术难点及创新点
移 动式除臭集气罩与常 规除臭集气罩相比,其主要技
术 难点及创新点如下:
1 ) 具备大范围移动启闭功能 。充分考 虑一体化活性
污 泥法污水处理的技术特点,突破以往固定集气罩的桎
梏 ,采用轻质材料降低结构复核且开启操作简单,按照运
1 污水处理厂臭气防治需求分析
城 镇污水处理厂散发的臭气对周边环境造成较直观
的 影响,也是