建 筑 技 术 开 发 Building Technology Development 节 能环保 Energy Saving 第43卷 第9期 2016年9月
夏 热 冬 冷 地 区 商 业 建 筑 被 动 式
节 能 设 计 策 略 探 讨
姚 斌 , 夏 德 航 , 李 新 , 杨 振 卿
(桂 林理 工 大学 土木 与建筑 工程 学院 ,广西桂 林 541004)
[摘 要 ]随着全球气候温度升高,南北极冰川融化,海平面升高所导致了一系列的问题。可持续发展便是 21世纪最重要的
活水平显著提高,尤其是2011年 中国经济跃升为世界第二大经济体,仅次于美国,人民生活对消费需求显著提高,无论是大型
简要分析夏热冬冷地区商业建筑运用被动式节能设计策略,以便为夏热冬冷地 区商业建筑在方案初期考虑被动式节能设计提供
[关键词 ]夏热冬冷地区 ;被动式节能设计 ;商业建筑
[中图分类号 】Tu 201.5 [文献标志码 ]A [文章编号 ]1001—523X (2016)09—0151-02
Passive Energy Effi ciency Design Strategies of H ot Sum m er and
Cold W inter Area Com m ercial Buildings
Yao Bin,Xia De-hang,Li Xin,Yang Zhen.qing
【Abstract J As the global temperature increases,polar melting glaciers,rising sea levels caused by a series of problems and
sustainable development in the 2 1 st century is the most important development strategy for China as early as in the early 2000s put
sustainable development as an effective long.term basic national policy.China in recent years,society,rapid economic development,
people’s living standards improved significantly,especially in 20 1 1 the Chinese economy emerged as the world’S second largest economy
after the United States,consumer demand for people’S lives improved significantly,both large cities or small cities have mushroomed
like the construction of commercial buildings,such as various types of large commercial complexes,supermarkets,shopping streets and
other commercial buildings.As one of the largest energy consumption in public buildings,commercial buildings,it is necessary in the
early design of commercial buildings to reduce energy consumption through a number of energy-saving passive design strategies.The
paper analyzes the hot summer and cold winter area of commercial buildings use energy—efficient passive design strategies,in order to hot
summer and cold winter area commercial building early in the program considered passive energy-saving design for reference.
[Keywords]hot summer and cold winter area;passive energy.saving design;commercial buildings
(区),人 口众多,商业 建筑单位能耗最高、消耗时间最长,