12 施 工 技 术
2014年 12月上
第 43卷 第 23期
模 块 化 低 位 顶 升 钢 平 台 模 架 体 系 安 装 关 键 技 术
刘 威 ,杜 福 祥 ,袁 渊 ,周 佳 军 ,方 道 伟
(中建三局集团有限公司成都分公司,四川 成都 610041)
[摘要]根据重庆国金中心 T1塔楼为带有伸臂桁架层的框架一核心筒结构特点,核心筒竖向结构选用模块化低位
顶升钢平台模架体系进行施工,主要从施工组织、操作架搭设、超重构件现场组装焊接、大构件滑移和吊装 、悬挑部
位主桁架预上挠安装 、主桁架同条件安装、自制“7”字板 +千斤顶安装、挂架和滑梁整体吊装等方面介绍了模块化
低位顶升钢平台模架体系安装关键技术。工程实践表明,该体系具有施工速度快 、安全性好、运行平稳、承载量大
[中图分类号]TU755.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002.8498(2014)23~012—04
Key Installation Technology of M odularized Low -position Jacking
Form work System with Steel Platform
Liu Wei,Du Fuxiang,Yuan Yuan,Zhou Jiajun,Fang Daowei
(Chengdu Branch of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu,Sichuan 610041,China)
Abstract:Based on the frame。tube structure characteristics O T1 tower building with cantilever truss layer
for Chongqing Guojin Center,modularized low—position jacking formwork system is used to construct
vertical core structure.This paper introduces key installation technology of modularized low—position
jacking formwork system with steel platform from several respects,including construction organization,
erection of handling frame,field assembly and welding of super heavy component,slip and hoisting of
large component,main truss installation with beforehand upward flexion in cantilever parts,main truss
installation under the same condition,installation of 7-shaped slab and jack,integral hoisting of pylon and
slip beam.Engineering practice shows that the formwork system has many advantages such as quick