2018年 1月上
第 47卷 第 l期
长 短 桩 复 合 地 基 沉 降 试 验 模 型 与 研 究 冰
张 丽 华 ,张 昌 进 ,程 一 杰 ,耿 琳 苑
(华北科技学院,河北 廊坊 101601)
的变化呈负相关。桩长越长 ,总沉降量越小;桩长越短,总沉降量越大。长桩作为主控桩对沉降量的控制有显著效
[中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002—8498(2018)01—0070—04
Experim ental M odel and Study of Long-short-pile Com posite
Foundation Settlem ent
ZHANG Lihua,ZHANG Changjin,CHENG Yijie,GENG Linyuan
(North China Institute ofScience and Technology,Langfang,Hebei 101601,China)
Abstract:The settlement characteristics of composite foundation is a very complex problem,especially in
the long—short—pile composite foundation.The settlement of the composite foundation under the vertical
load is analyzed by the model test of the long—short—pile composite foundation in the laboratory.The
settlement variation law of the long and short pile joint area,the short pile and the underlying layer is
studied.At the same time,under the action of the stress law is also studied.According to the test
results:①The settlement of long short pile composite foundation is negatively related to the change of pile
length.The longer the pile length,the smaller the total settlement,the shorter the length of the pile,the
greater the total settlement.The long pile as the main control pile has a significant effect on the control of
the settlement.② In the long and short pile common reinforcement region,the settlement variation of the
pile is not great:the control effect of the single pile reinforced area is obvious.③ Influenced on the
interaction of the pile and soil in the reinforcement area,the stress mechanism of the additional stress in
the underlying layer and the additional stress of the pile is opposite.Forced settlement of long piles,
drives the pile of soil collaborative de~rmation,results in the maximum stress of the center pile under the
Key words:~undations;composite~undation;rigid long—short pile;testing;study;settlement
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长 短桩复 合地 基 是 在 等长 桩 复 合地 基 理 论
国家自然科学基金面上项目:刚性基础下组合桩复合地基沉降特 性及预测方法研究(51178185);中央高校基本科研业务费资助 (3142015145) [作者简介]张丽华,建