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中西部地区汽车运输便道指标分类测算研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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48 【摘 要】 中西部地区地形复杂多样,交通条件差,便道设计难度大。且目前造价体系不完善,各项目的便道设计原则不 尽相同,概算计列费用差异明显,导致设计资料与实际发生存在一定差异。文章基于一种便道指标分类测算方法,以贵南 线、玉磨线两铁路项目为背景,对设计与实施、测算指标与设计概算的差异化进行分析研究。结果表明,该方法通过大量 的样本收集分析并辅以设计断面工程量修正,分析出各类型便道分项工程数量指标,给传统的分类法赋予了一定的数据支 撑,结果更加贴近实际,满足现阶段设计流程及工期;在便道指标测算中,诸如单双车道的考虑、有无挡护措施、排水设 施及安全设施的考虑等诸多因素会导致测算与实际情况存在较大出入;路面结构成为设计概算指标与测算成果差异性的重 要因素;同类型便道设计数量与统计数量对比,费用差异将主要体现在挡护、排水设施圬工、路面结构等方面。 【关键词】 运输便道设计 指标测算 设计概算 中西部地区 【中图分类号】 F407.9 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1008-2166 (2020 )04-048-07 【DOI】 10.19730/j.cnki.1008-2166.2020-04-048 Study on the Classification and Measurement of Pavement Indicators for Motor Transport in the Midwest Chen Jun 1, Liu Zhujun 1, Li Wen 2, Wu Liuzhongqiu 1 (1. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd, Chengdu 610031, China; 2. China Railway Economic And Planning Research Institute,Beijing 100038, China) 【Abstract】 The terrain is complex and diverse in the central and western regions, the traffic conditions are poor, and the road design is difficult. In addition, the current cost system is not perfect, the design principles of various project roadways are not the same, and the cost difference of the estimated budget is obvious, thereby leading to some differences between the design data and the actual situation. The differences between design and implementation as well as between measurement indicators and design budget estimates are analyzed and studied based on a classification and calculation method of road indicators with the background of two railway projects- Guinan Railway line and Yumo Railway. The results show that the quantity indicators of each road sub-project are analyzed by the method through collecting and analyzing a large number of samples and revising the amount of the design section, thereby giving certain data support to the traditional classification method. The results are more close to the reality, which meet the current design process and construction period. Many factors, such as the consideration of single and double lanes, whether there are retaining and protecting measures, drainage facilities and safety facilities or not, will lead to a large discrepancy between the measurement and the actual situation in the measurement of road indicators. Pavement structure has become an important factor for the difference of design budget estimate index and measurement results. The design quantity and statistical quantity of the same road type are compared, the cost difference will