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装配式大跨径木质张弦梁结构施工技术(论文).pdf 第1页
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〇企水国开专发内开发专杂 内公工国开专发内开施公工表?津利<?的x众〇企防水户满7?道? ???师 ?化词师 ? ? 师 卷F师青.浙江省建工集团有限责任公司 浙江杭州 310012;2 .中 建 新 疆 建 工 (集团)有限公司华东分公司 浙江杭州 311200? ? R某工程为装配式大跨径木质张弦梁结构,主跨长45.6m, 具有整体抗侧刚度弱、稳定性差、节点构造复杂、施 工难度大等技术难点。以此为例,总结了张弦梁结构的总体施工流程与施工技术。着重对拉索安装及张拉顺序、张拉 过程监测等内容进行了阐述,可为类似工程提供参考。关键词 :装配式;木质;张弦梁结构;张拉中 图 分 类 号 :TU755 文 献 标 志 码 :A 文 章 编 号 :1004-1001(2021)04-0584-03 D O I: 10.14144/j.cnki.jzsg.2021.04.014cJ)EoAR1oaJ) n21-)JxJ.、 J4 bA24uPAa1uo2C wJ).jEWu) W ooden Beam String Structured R S G J h 0s1,2 H U W e i w e i2 X I N H u a w e n2 W U H a n2 H U A N G Z e n g p in g2 1. Z h e jia n g C o n s t r u c t io n E n g in e e r in g G r o u p C o .; Ltd., H a n g z h o u , Z h e jia n g 3 1 0 0 1 2 , C h in a ;2. C h in a C o n s t r u c t io n X in jia n g C o n s t r u c t io n (G ro u p ) C o .; Ltd. E a st C h in a B ra n ch , H a n g z h o u , Z h e jia n g 3 1 1 2 0 0 , C h in aA b s t r a c t: As to the construction of a prefabricated long-span wooden beam string structure with a main span of 45.6 m, it has some technical difficulties, such as weak overall lateral stiffness, poor stability, complex joint structure and great construction difficulty. Taking this as an example, the overall construction process and construction technology of beam string structure are summarized. The cable installation, tension sequence and tension process monitoring are emphasized, which can provide reference for similar projects.K e y w o r d s: prefabricated; wooden; beam string structure; tension g 7 \ > ? , : n ♦ ? ?x?A?uZG?x ??_??"n®A?????U{,N} ?x?A? uZ?p5K??^??K????h@?$?$?n ???; ”??? [?®I;A?'?uZ[?? ?A??????Q?®D?~A?uZ”???D? ~?;?x?A?^?JK®'?K…?L"®\n? ??®#$???fpf'???P4,5Kx?A???D?~?<?zx ?A?Hxau?5?D? ,Km????♦:(? ,:????????,)???A??A?g7 ?,:??@???9?????4,:@???? ?®**?x?A?®Bu,:???,::—? x?6???D?x???x?@?5??x?@? '???????????=?D?~?<?zx ?A?®,:_????????A?n0,:?? ®????~?A??D®??K???Kc ? d e h1994— ) ,女 ,頰士。通信地址:浙江省抗州市萧山区我江也纪城市办北路盈丰 氏和路600号大象国际中‘a'A雇27层 (311200) 。电子邮葙:内级土青)立青青1腐业海行中上国土集内海中 收稿 a 期 :2020-10-28? : ? ? ?? = ? :????:??”???▲??? ?? 。 \\\???f: ???ngpJ0???p:;u?:;u?j?:?? :;u?j?n??IJ`A?