第 48卷 第 1期
西安建筑科技大学学报 (自然科学版)
J.Xi’an Univ.ofArch.&Tech.(Natural Science Edition、
预 应 力 钢 带 加 固 震 后 混 凝 土 框 架 抗 震 性 能 试 验 研 究
杨 勇 , 王 婷 , 陈 伟 , 刘 如 月 , 伊 波 松 , 马 晨 光
(西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,陕西 西安 7 10055)
摘要 :提出采用预应力钢带加固技术对处于“可修”性能水准状态的钢筋混凝土框架进行快速抢救加固,以有效提高历经大震
的混凝土框架抵抗余震的能力,并为震后全面加固提供条件 .首先对一榀三层单跨 1:2比例的钢筋混凝土框架进行低周反复
拟静力试验,并加载至试件承载能力下降至极限荷载的 85%时停止试验 .然后采用预应力钢带加固技术对该框架试件的柱端、
关键词:钢筋混凝土框架;预应力钢带;震后加固方法 ;抗震性能
中图分类号:TU398 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006.7930(2016)01.0029—07
Experim ental study on seism ic perform ance of post--earthquake reinforced con--
crete fram e structure retrofitted by prestressing steel strips
YANG y0 ,WANG Ting,CHEN Wei,LIURuyue,Y1Bosong,MA Chenguang
(School ofCivil Engineering,Xi an Univ.ofArch.&Tech.,Xi an 710055,China 1
Abstract:In order to ireprove the reinforced concrete frame’S resistance ability of aftershocks and provide conditions for compre—
hensive post—earthquake strengthening,the strengthening technology with prestressing steel strips was adopted to retrofit reinforced
concrete frame that remains stable and erect under sffong ea~hquakes.In this PaDer,low—cyclic pseudo static test of the reinforeed
concrete flame with single span and three stories was conducted and was halted when the specimen’S carrying capacity decreased to
85%of the ultimate load bearing capacity.Then.the prestressing steel strips reitrofitted technology was adopted to retrofit the beam
end,the column end and the core area of flame ioints.The low—cyclic pseudo static test was conducted again in order to study the seismic performance of the flame after it was retrofitted.A series of seismic performance indexes such as the bearing capacity,stiif-
ness.ductility and energy dissipation capacity were contrasted in details between preshock and retrofitted specimen.It can be con-
cluded that the seismic performance of post.earthquake reinforced concrete frame which was re仃ofitted by prestressing steel strips
was almost similar to intact specimen’S.The results showed that the post.earthquake structure retrofitted methods was suitable for
strengthening post.earthquake reinforced concrete frame rapidly. Key words:reinforeed concrete frame;prestr