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先张法预应力道路板可行性研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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建筑施工·第44卷·第3期 535 先张法预应力道路板可行性研究 张 鹏 董 震 房 晨 何 亮 汪 力 中建科技集团有限公司华东分公司 上海 200126 摘要: 基于装配式普通钢筋混凝土道路板,考虑预应力可以提高装配式构件的承载能力,减小板的厚度,提高混凝土 板的耐久性,提出了一种采用先张法施加预应力的装配式预应力道路板。采用Abaqus有限元软件进行数值模拟和理论 计算,对比分析了道路板的反拱和极限承载力。对比板厚、承载力及自重,分析预应力板的经济性。研究结果表明: 装配式预应力道路板反拱未超过限值,不影响其正常使用。预应力板的承载能力高于普通板,两板在极限荷载作用 时,板竖向挠度为跨中最大,板边缘最小。预应力板应用有利于节约资源,保护环境,具有更好的社会和经济效益。 关键词: 预应力道路板;先张法;反拱;极限承载力;经济性分析 中图分类号: U416.2 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004 -1001(2022)03 -0 535-0 4 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 022.0 3.0 32 Feasibility Study on Pre-tensioned Pre-stressed Road Slab ZHANG Peng DONG Zhen FANG Chen HE Liang WANG Li China Construction Science & Technology Group Co., Ltd. East China Branch, Shanghai 200126, China Abstract: Based on the assembled ordinary reinforced concrete road slab, considering prestressing can improve the bearing capacity of the assembled members, reduce the thickness of the slab, and improve the durability of the concrete slab, one type of assembled prestressing road slab is put forward, which applies prestressing method. The numerical simulation and theoretical calculation are carried out by using Abaqus finite element software, and the invert arch and ultimate bearing capacity of the road slab are compared and analyzed. Compare plate thickness, bearing capacity and dead weight to analyze the economy of the pre -stressed slab. The research results show that the invert arch of the assembled pre -stressed road slab does not exceed the limit value and does not affect its normal use. The bearing capacity of the pre -stressed slab is higher than that of the common slab. When the two slabs are subjected to the ultimate load, the vertical deflection of the slab is the largest in the span and the edge of the slab is the smallest. The application of prestressing slab is beneficial to saving resources and protecting environment, and has better social and economic benefits. Keywords: p re -s tr e sse d r o ad s la b ; p re -te nsio ned m eth od ; in ve rt a rc h; u lt im ate b earin g c ap acit y ; e conom ic a naly sis 目 前,国内外众多学者对装配式混凝土路面进行了大 量研究并取得一定的成果。Bull等 [ 1 ]分 析了机场预制混凝土 路 面的应用,发现预制路面承载力及寿命相较原路面均有 所提高;Ghoneim 等 [2 ]研 究了荷载类型、板长细比、纵横比 等 因素对板承载力的影响;樊莽等 [3 ]阐 述了预制板多样的 设计形式和较好的成本优势;刘强等 [4 ]分 析了道路板的绿 色化程度及社会和经济效益;陈智杰 [5 ]提 出采用次轻混凝 土或使用预应力混凝土结构,既能保