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狭小空间条件下深基坑拆换撑工程施工部署(论文).pdf 第1页
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2022·12·Building Construction 2866 狭小空间条件下深基坑拆换撑工程施工部署 刘福焰 1,2 1. 上海建工五建集团有限公司 上海 200063;2. 广东上建建筑工程有限公司 广东 广州 510000 摘要: 一般情况下,深基坑混凝土内支撑拆除前需要等支撑下部的换撑结构完全形成整体后再进行拆除。但这种常规 的施工方法在场地空间狭小、基坑各分区不均衡施工且工期紧张的环境下并不适用。以深圳市龙岗区健康管理服务中 心大楼工程深基坑内支撑拆换撑施工为典型案例,对拆换撑重难点进行分析,确定狭小空间条件下深基坑分区拆换撑 工程的施工整体部署。综合考虑基坑支护结构拆除与后续的清理运输工作,以切割+吊装+叉车转运为应对方式,保 证绿色施工,并解决场地狭小的问题,为类似工程的施工提供了参考。 关键词: 深基坑;钢筋混凝土内支撑;拆换撑;狭小空间;施工部署 中图分类号: TU 753 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004 -1001(2022)12 -2 866-0 3 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 022.1 2.0 16 Construction Deployment of Deep Foundation Pit Support Removal and Replacement Project Under Narrow Space Condition LIU Fuyan 1,2 1. Shanghai Construction No.5 (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200063, China; 2. Guangdong Shangjian Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., Guangzhou, Guangdong 510000, China Abstract: In general, before the removal of the concrete internal support of deep foundation pit, it is necessary to wait until the support replacement structure under the support is completely formed. However, this conventional construction method is not applicable in the environment of narrow site space, uneven construction of foundation pit partitions and tight construction period. Taking the support removal and replacement in deep foundation pit of Shenzhen Longgang District Health Management Service Center Building Project as a typical case, the key and difficult points of the support removal and replacement is analyzed, and the overall construction deployment of the support removal and replacement in deep foundation pit zones under the condition of narrow space is determined. Considering the demolition of foundation pit support structure and subsequent cleaning and transportation work, cutting+hoisting+forklift transfer is adopted to ensure green construction and solve the problem of narrow site. It can provide a reference for the construction of similar projects. Keywords: d eep fo und atio n p it ; re in fo rc ed c oncre te in te rn al s u p port; s u p port re m ova l a nd re p la cem ent; n arro w s p ace; c onstr u ctio n d ep lo ym ent 方 式替代常规的土方回填方式,完善拆换撑的传力体系, 能够在确保基坑安全的同时,缩短工期,通过节约时间成 本带来经济效益。 1 工程概况 本工程位于深圳市龙岗区人民医院内最南侧,毗邻秋 收 路,建筑用途为健康管理服务中心大楼(20层 ),整体 地下设3层 ,底板埋深-14.1 5 m 。 本 工程基坑深度分别为-15.3 、 -15.8 、 -16.8 m ( 局部电梯井-20.2 m ) ,车库出入口基坑深度-9.8 ~ - 4.2 m , 基坑面积约6 4 31 m 2,