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预应力混凝土钢管桁架叠合板施工阶段性能分析研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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·1354 · 预应力混凝土钢管桁架叠合板施工阶段性能 分析研究 张玉明 1, 2 ,陈丽洁 1,邓馨雨 1,程 意 1 (1.山东建筑大学土木工程学院,250101,济南;2. 山东建筑大学工程鉴定加固研究院有限公司,250013,济南) 摘 要:通过对3 m跨、6 m 跨1.2 m 板宽预应力混凝土(平板)叠合板、预应力带肋混凝土叠合板、 钢筋桁架叠合板、预应力混凝土钢管桁架叠合板的对比,发现无论大小跨度,预应力混凝土钢管桁架叠合板 的应用均占据显著优势。底板中施加预应力和钢管桁架的设置使预应力混凝土钢管桁架叠合板在施工阶段具 有较大抗弯刚度。将底板厚度、桁架高度作为参数计算对比各种叠合板施工阶段抗弯刚度。对预应力混凝土 钢管桁架叠合板,探讨钢管直径、壁厚对底板抗弯刚度、钢管长细比的影响。得出结论:预应力混凝土钢管 桁架叠合板无论钢管是否灌浆在施工阶段都有较大优势,是否灌浆可根据抗弯刚度需求及施工水平确定。 关键词:钢管桁架;叠合板;预应力混凝土;抗弯刚度 中图分类号:TU 398.9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-4726(2023)11-1354-05 performAnce AnAlysis of prestressed concrete steel pipe truss composite plA te during construction st Age ZHANG Yu-ming 1, 2, CHEN Li-jie 1, DENG Xin-yu 1, CHENG Yi 1 (1. School of Civil Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, 250101, Ji'nan , China; 2. Engineering Research Institute of Appraisal and Strengthening, Shandong Jianzhu University, 250013, Ji'nan , China) Abstract: By comparing the prestressed concrete (slab) composite plate, prestressed ribbed concrete composite plate, reinforced truss composite plate and prestressed concrete steel pipe truss composite plate, it is found that the application of prestressed concrete steel pipe truss composite plate has a significant advantage regardless of the span. The setting of prestress in bottom plate and steel pipe truss make prestressed concrete steel pipe truss composite plate have greater flexural stiffness in the construction stage. The floor thickness and truss height were used as parameters to calculate and compare the flexural rigidity of various composite plates during construction. The influences of diameter and wall thickness of steel tube on flexural stiffness of bottom plate and slenderness ratio of steel tube are discussed. It is concluded that the prestressed concrete steel pipe truss composite slab has great advantages in the construction stage regardless of whether the steel pipe is grouting or not. Whether the grouting can be determined according to the flexural stiffness demand and construction level. Keywords: steel pipe truss; composite plate; prestress concrete; flexural stiffness 随着我国建筑技术水平不断提高,装配式结构可 显著缩短现场施工时间,形成标准化、规范化的施工, 对于加快我国建筑工程的施工进度有重要意义。在装 配式建筑体系中,楼面结构是重要的受力构件,大致 分为预制板、现浇板和叠合板。 预制板装配率高、施工速度快,但抗震性能、楼 板整体性能相对较差。现浇板抗震整体性能好,但现 场大面积浇筑增大了施工难度。叠合板是由预制板和 现浇钢筋混凝土层叠合而成的装配整体式楼板,结合 了装配式楼板和现浇楼板的优点,近年来得到了广泛 应用。 1 各类叠合板的性能