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高层剪力墙建筑施工技术管理(论文).pdf 第1页
建筑技术开发 Building Technology Development10fc B u ild in g M a n a g e m e n tK  y K  ^ 2 0 2 1年5月高层剪力墙建筑施工技术管理寇民道(河南省第一建筑工程集团有限责任公司,郑 州 450016)[摘要]随着现代城市的建设,剪力墙结构在现代建筑中的应用已经越来越普遍。高层建筑中剪力墙施工技术主要包括钢 筋工程、模板工程及混凝土工程,主要从这3 个方面来分析高层剪力墙结构中关于施工技术的具体管理要点和内容。结合实际 情况分析高层剪力墙施工技术,从而能够对高层的建筑体系展开深入分析,产生一定的了解,为城市的进一步规划及基础的建 设做出一定的贡献,促进高层建筑施工水平的整体提升。[关键词]高 层 建 筑 ;剪 力 墙 结 构 ;建筑施工[中图分类号]T U975 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1001-523X (2021) 09-0085-02全逢源疚据期源术刊 录术据术计逢学逢据统 期据 的期计疚加《期技逢 心疚逢术卷 发术刊刊 光(据技统卷第源统期(据库 (第 M in-dao Abstract ] With the construction o f modem city, the application o f shear wall structure in modem buildings has become more and more common. The construction technologies o f shear wall in high-rise building mainly include reinforcement engineering, formwork engineering and concrete engineering. The specific management points and contents o f construction technology in high-rise shear wall structure are mainly analyzed from these three aspects. Combined with the actual situation analysis o f high-rise shear wall construction technology, so as to carry out in-depth analysis o f high-rise building system, produce a certain understanding, make a certain contribution to further planning and foundation construction o f the city, and promote the overall improvement o f high-rise building construction level.相 库逢升》(卷选技 ] high-rise building ; shear wall structure ; building construction= ? ? q ` Q F ? ? j )? ? ? ? ? ? ? 4 . ? ? ` p K?p?? J p?  ? ? J H  ? )ab]~C`H? ????.H??al   I )= ? ? W ? j )q`QFHE????I?  ? )?q`QF???H???yzsa?o~gHNP) ]~???H{?l=[???)??Pz?p?z?p???z?d ? 4?H???yzsa?o??),-[°4?Hsa??) 4 5 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? q ` Q F H Q F ? ? )q?FHvf, T?O(H?EW? EC`H??l q`???QF??{??  ? ? O ( H ? ? ? W ? ) ??zmsa??ec y )z ? N P H P  ? ? ? ? Y a ? H W ? )q`???Q FyzxgHNPz“=]?H????j??4qg?, ???H?)s????;C`Hyzsa)??qgHz “ ?  a ? ? H } ? ; T ){.? z ? N P H } ? ; T lq `???QFyzsa=]?H????j]~GqHNP ?x)? e t pIjHNP4+??_???jNPHs a  x l ab? Y  ? )q`???QFQxyz??j s ? ? ? J j 0 ?  H ? ? )??a?? H } ? ; T )? [?oH??]~??H??{?l q`QFj?Pz?yzsaHNP??=q`QFj)????????j(????H?Pl ?[=??H?Pj)?????N   H?P)??/C? PH4+)5????F H?P)????P?P? ??PH4+l ?  ????? H?P/C?PH]?NP??= q ` ? ? ? ? ? j )???E?H?P[?I|?Z  v )? p?` H ? P w h ( ? ? / C ? P H 4 + ? o )? ? ? ? F H ? ? j ? P ? ? T U w v ;  ? ?  H ? ? )qU ?  i ?f f  “ ? R n ?? F ! o    ?  , o )D  ?  ? )z ? ? ) ?uq49 qQFyzl??? ~ q ` Q F ? ? j w v { 8 ? ? )N?=[?H?P g Q ? $ ? ? P w ? ?  ? P )45??~B?F??? ?567H?PZ?l ?  ? ? P ? o / C H ? ? j )? ???v?? ? H D * )E ? D * b " ? ? ? E ? ? 8 D * )5?E?? ? H pN ? H ^ ? ? ? ` D * )45????P=]?H E ? ? ? j ] ~ ? ? H ? ? ` ? K ? C ` H ? ? )ab=? ? j w x L ? N b  ? ? ~ ? K  - ){?(67.??? @  : j , x g b H - q 4 ? ? =  } H J ? ).(?? H-?c~jtHz“?I?7H?l ?  ?P?PH]?NP??= ? P H ? P ? ? j )s t ? ? ? P 4 + )N??9 ;?HL?? P  ? ?  s a ){8sa