— — 以重 庆市为 例
向鹏成 1, 2 ,戴梦云 1
( 1.重庆大学管理科学与房地产学院,重庆 400045;2. 重 庆大学建设 经济与管理研究中心,重 庆 400045)
摘 要: 基于国家对沪渝进行房产税试点改革的背景,从系统论视域出发,对房地产税改革进行分析,明晰房
房地产税制整 体结 构、优化房地产税税制要素 设 计和完善房地产税收配套 设施 三大普适性的房地产税改
关键 词: 房地产税;系统论;全过程设计;税制要素;配套设施
中图分类号: F4 0 7. 9 文献标识码: A 文章编号:10 02
-851X(2020 )12 -0090 -06
DOI :10.14181/j.c n k i.10 0 2 - 851x . 20 20120 9 0
[ 引用本文 ] 向鹏成,戴梦云 .系统论视域下房地产税改革研究——以重庆市为例 [J].建 筑 经 济, 2020,41
( 12): 90 -95.
Research on Real Estate Tax Transformation from the Perspective of System Theory :
Taking Chongqing as an Example
XIANG Pengcheng 1 , 2,DAI Mengyun 1
( 1.School of Management Science and Real Estate ,Chongqing University ,Chongqing 400045 ,China ;2.Research Center of Constr uction
Economics and Management ,Chongqing University ,Chongqing 400045 ,China )
Abstract :
Based on the background of the country ’s real estate tax reform in Shanghai and Chongqing ,this
paper analyzes the real estate tax reform from the perspective of system theory ,and clarifies the system elements
and the relationship between elements of the real estate tax reform. Based on the overall structure of the tax system ,
the paper designs the elements of the tax system ,derives tax supporting measures ,and analyzes the reform of the real
estate tax system according to the specific conditions of Chongqing. Finally ,from the three major reform systems ,
draws three universal real estate tax reform proposals :building the overall structure of the real estate tax system ,
optimizing the design of real estate tax system elements ,and improving the real estate tax supporting facilities.
Keywords :
real estate tax ;system theory ;whole process design ;tax system elements ;supporting facilities
1 引 言
房地产税是指国家或地区以“房屋”和“土地”财 产作为征税对象,将房屋、土地或房地产价值为税基的
2 011年,国务院在沪渝两地对房地产税进行试
点,以打造 示范样本。在作为试点城市之一的重 庆市,房
* 基 金项目:重 庆 市 社 科 规 划 项目重 大项目( 2 018Z D 0 2)
作者简介:向鹏成,男,生于 1974年,四川万源人,教授、博士,研究方
向:项目管 理、风险管 理、房地产经济与住 房政 策 等。
戴 梦 云 ,女 , 生 于 1996年,福建福清人,硕士研究生,研究方
收 稿