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植被对建筑室外热辐射环境影响因素的研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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·1375 · 植被对建筑室外热辐射环境影响因素的研究 赵晓悦, 周宇飞, 张泰龙, 赵 宇, 齐 锋 (浙江农林大学园林学院,311300,杭州) 摘 要: 植被通过太阳辐射遮挡、长波辐射遮蔽以及自身蒸腾作用等,可直接影响建筑室外热环境、改 善建筑室外小气候,是缓解热岛效应及降低建筑能耗的重要手段。为了继续推动植被对建筑室外热辐射环境 影响的研究,从城市视角、街区视角、建筑本体视角,梳理植被对 3种尺度下室外热辐射环境的影响进行研 究。在城市尺度下植被整体类型、面积大小等对不同城市环境下的热辐射影响;在街谷尺度下乔木树种及种 植方式对街道社区热辐射环境的影响;在建筑本体视角下植被个体在不同季节、不同空间位置、不同数量组 合对建筑室外热辐射环境的影响。最后基于国内外的相关研究,提出了目前建筑室外热辐射环境影响因素研 究中的主要问题,并提出建议,为后续研究提供借鉴和参考。 关键词:热岛效应;城市街谷;室外热辐射;绿色围护结构 中图分类号:TU 111 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-4726(2023)11-1375-07 A reVieW of fActors influencing VegetAtion on outdoor thermAl rAdiA tion enVironment of Buildings ZHAO Xiao-yue, ZHOU Yu-fei, ZHANG Tai-long, ZHAO Yu, QI Feng (School of Landscape Architecture, Zhejiang A&F University, 311300, Hangzhou, China) Abstract: Vegetation affects the outdoor thermal environment of buildings and improves the outdoor microclimate of buildings through solar radiation shading, long-wave radiation shading and its own transpiration, which is an important means to mitigate the heat island effect and reduce energy consumption of buildings. To continue advancing research on the influence of vegetation on the outdoor thermal radiation environment of buildings, the influence of vegetation on the outdoor thermal radiation environment of buildings is classified at three scales: urban, neighborhood, and building ontology. At the urban scale, the overall type and size of vegetation has an effect on the thermal radiation environment in various urban environments; at the street and valley scale, tree species and planting methods have an effect on the thermal radiation environment in the street community environment; and at the building ontology scale, individual vegetation has an effect on the outdoor thermal radiation environment of buildings in various seasons and spatial locations. Finally, based on relevant studies conducted in the United States and abroad, the primary issues in current research on the influencing factors of the outdoor thermal radiation environment of buildings are presented, and recommendations are made to serve as a reference and reference for subsequent research. Keywords: heat island effect; city canyon; outdoor thermal radiation; green envelopes 近年来,全球气候正经历着以变暖为主要特征的 显著变化,城市消耗了全球 70 %以上的能源,成为 温室气体聚集的主要区域,形成了城市热岛 [1]。城市 下垫面的硬化、植被的减少、建筑密度增大等因素加 剧了城市热岛效应,使得城市热环境恶化,人居环 境品质下降 [2]。在中纬度地区的夏季,城市热岛效应 加剧了城市高温的出现频率和高温灾害,使空调设 备的工作状况恶