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西咸一体化驱动的咸阳市热力景观格局时空分异分析(论文).pdf 第1页
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西安建筑科技大学学报 (自然科学版 ) J. Xi'an Univ, of Arch. 6 Tech. (Natural Science Edition) 第 53 卷第 3期 2021 年 6月 Vol. 53 No. 3 Jun.2021 DOI : 10. 15986". 1006-7930. 2021. 03. 013 西咸一体化驱动的咸阳市热力景观格局时空分异分析 冯晓刚 , 周在辉 , 李凤霞 , 李 萌 (西安建筑科技大学建筑学院 ,陕西西安 710055 ) 摘要 :以西咸一体化进程为驱动 %以咸阳市 1988 〜2019 年热力景观格局时空分异演变特征为研究对象 %以多时相 、多源异 构数据为支撑 ,采用单窗算法反演得到了多时相热环境数据 ,结合景观生态学理论 %运用斑块总数等景观指数及空间格局 移动轨迹方法对咸阳市 31 年间的热力景观格局时空演变特征进行了剖析•结果表明 :(1)咸阳市 31 年间热力景观类型中常 温区占主导地位 ,年均占有率为 70.1% ; (2)常温区景观类型变幅最大 ,31 年间累计减少 104.65 km 2 ;其次是热岛区 ,31 年间累计增加 99.5km 2;变幅最小的是强绿岛区 ,31 年间累计减少 2.24 km 2; (3)热力景观指数分析表明 :31 年间咸阳市 整体热力景观斑块形状复杂度降低 ,斑块趋于规则化 *究其原因是城市化进程导致城市用地类型占主导地位及大规模城镇 化建设过程区域完成所致 N (4)咸阳市热岛景观和强热岛景观整体呈现由西南向东北的方向走势 N 关键词 :热岛效应 ;热力景观 ;格局演变 ;西咸一体化 中图分类号 :TU985. 12 文献标志码 :A 文章编号 :1006-7930 (2021 )03-0413-08 Spatiotemporal differentiation of thermal landscape pattern in Xianyang City driven by the integration of Xi'an and Xianyang FENG Xiaogang % ZHOU Zaihui % LI Fengxia % LI Meng (School of Architecture % Xi 'an Univ, of Arch. 6 Tech. % Xi'an 710055 % China ) Abstract : The heat island landscape pattern and dynamic characteristics form 1988 to 2019 in Xianyang were studied by Mono-window Algorithm , based on the thermal band data of the Landsat data. This paper also analysis the changes of heat landscape pattern by landscape indices for 31 years. The results showed that : ( 1 ) the normal temperature type was the dominant in the research area froml988 to 2019 , with an annual average share of 70. 1 %. (2) t he normal landscape area increased the most in the past 31 years , the cumulative decreased in 104. 65 km 2 , and hesecondwas hehea landscapewi h increasing 99. 5km 2; hegreenareawas hesma les wih hecumula ive reduct ion of 2. 24 km 2 in the past 31 years. (3) thermal landscape index analysis showed that : the whole landscape patch shape complexity was reduced in the past 31 years. It was caused by the urbanization land used types predominate and urbanization process which have done. (4) The overall trend of heat island landscape and strong heatislandlandscapeinXianyangcityisfromsouthwesttonortheast. Key words : urban heat island ; thermal landscape ; pattern evolution ; Xianyang and Xi'an city 土地利用类型的急剧变化是快速城镇化最显 著的特征 U*. 原有耕地 、植被 、水体等自然地表类 型快速转变为建设用地 ,地表热通量增大 [2]. 同