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建筑全生命周期碳排放量计算模型(论文).pdf 第1页
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2021·10·Building Construction 2162 建筑全生命周期碳排放量计算模型 沈丹丹 上海建工集团股份有限公司 上海 200080 摘要: 建立建筑全生命周期碳排放量计算模型,定量研究生产、运输、建造、运行、拆除和回收不同阶段的碳排放 量,并以上海某公共建筑为案例,进行了建筑全生命周期碳排放量的计算,结果表明,该建筑全生命周期单位面积碳 排放量指标为2.72 t/m 2,运行期间的建筑碳排放量在建筑全生命周期碳排放量占比最高,其次为建材生产阶段。降低 运行阶段的能源需求,选择可再循环和碳排放因子小的建材、减少建筑材料的使用和浪费有助于降低建筑全生命周期 碳排放量。该模型的建立,可为建筑全生命周期碳排放计算提供依据,为优化设计方案、建造方案和运行方案提供方 法指导。 关键词: 全生命周期;碳排放;碳排放因子;建筑能耗 中图分类号: T U -0 23 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004- 1001(2021)10- 2162-0 5 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 021.1 0.0 61 Calculation Model of Carbon Emission in Full Life Cycle of Buildings SHEN Dandan Shanghai Construction Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200080, China Abstract: A c alc ula tio n m od el o f b uild in g fu ll lif e c yc le c arb on e m is sio ns is e sta b lis h ed to q uantit a tiv e ly s tu d y th e c arb on e m is sio ns in d if fe re nt s ta g es o f p ro d uctio n, tr a nsp orta tio n, c onstr u ctio n, o p era tio n, d em olit io n a nd re cyc lin g . T akin g a p ub lic b uild in g in S hang hai a s a n e xa m ple , th e b uild in g fu ll lif e c yc le c arb on e m is sio ns a re c alc ula te d . T he r e su lt s s h ow t h at th e c arb on e m is sio n in d ex p er u n it a re a in th e fu ll lif e c yc le o f th e b uild in g is 2 .7 2 t/m 2; th e c arb on e m is sio n o f th e b uild in g d urin g th e o p era tio n p erio d a ccounts fo r th e h ig hest p ro p ortio n o f th e c arb on e m is sio n in th e fu ll lif e c yc le o f th e b uild in g , fo llo w ed b y th e p ro d uctio n s ta g e o f b uild in g m ate ria ls . R ed ucin g th e e nerg y d em and in