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建筑设备安装工程计价标准定位及制定探讨(论文).pdf 第1页
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摘 要:以机械设备安装工程消耗量定额编制实践为例,从新时期定额的定位与作用出发,以机械定额概述 及特点、创新点为例证,探讨与分析建筑设备安装工程计价标准编制及应用,阐述建筑设备安装工程计价 标准的必要性、适用性,说明其应 用的标准化、市场化作为,进以证实 机 械 定额 可以满足建设 主体对建筑设 备安装工程计价的需求及要求。 关键 词: 建筑设备;安装工程;消耗量定额;工程计价标准;造价管理;定位制定 中图分类号: T U723.3  文献标识码: A  文章编号:10 02 -851X(2022 )S1 -010 0 -03 DOI :10.14181/j.c n k i.10 02 - 851x . 2022S1010 0 Discussion on the Positioning and Formulation of Pricing Standard for Construction Equipment Installation Engineering X I E Ya q i,XU Ershu ,ZHONG Wenlong ,ZHANG Hongbiao ,ZHOU Yanfei ( Shenzhen Constr uction Project Cost Management Station ,Shenzhen 518031 ,China ) Abstract : Taking the practice of compiling consumption quota of mechanical equipment installation engineering as an example ,starting from the positioning and function of quota in the new era ,and taking the over view ,characteristics and innovation points of mechanical quota as examples ,this paper discusses and analyzes the compilation and application of pricing standard of construction equipment installation engineering ,expounds the necessity and applicability of pricing standard of construction equipment installation engineering ,and explains the standardization and marketization of its application ,It is proved that the mechanical quota can meet the needs and requirements of the construction subject for the pricing of construction equipment installation engineering. Keywords : construction equipment ;installation works ;consumption quota ;project pricing standard ;cost management ;positioning formulation 1 引 言 随 着“ 放 管 服 ”精 神 贯 彻 落 实 ,国 家 和 地 方 出 台 工 程造价改革方案及措施,包括政府职能转变、政府工 程计价依据转型、政府定额弱化甚至取消等一系列重 大政策和制度的改革。定额管理模式重新洗牌,政府 概 算定额 强化作为,预算