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住宅建筑的降噪措施及效果研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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·484 · 住宅建筑的降噪措施及效果研究 王丽娟, 郑义德 (西安工程大学城市规划与市政工程学院,710048, 西安) 摘 要:为了减少城市噪声对室内人员工作、学习和生活的影响,提出了一种新型的建筑室内降噪措 施,将窗帘换成一种新型双层隔声屏障,并在房间四周墙面贴附吸声板。通过改造前后室内平均噪声强度和 各频段噪声强度的对比发现,所提出的改造措施在白天能够使室内平均噪声强度降低 7~8 dB,使室内达到 了国家标准所要求的平均噪声范围。同时发现单独加装墙壁吸声板或吸声屏障能够使室内平均噪声强度下 降 2~3 dB,而单独加装隔声屏障能够使室内平均噪声强度下降 3~5 dB,降噪效果相对较好。聚酯纤维材料 在中频率段( 200~2 500 Hz)和高频率段( 2 500 Hz以上)的降噪效果较好, PVC透明软板材料在中频率段 (200~2 500 Hz)的降噪效果较好,上述材料对于低频率段(200 Hz 以下)的噪声几乎没有降噪效果。 关键词:交通噪声;既有住宅;声环境;隔声改造;声屏障 中图分类号:TU112.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-4726(2023)04-0484-04 noise reducTion measures and effecTs of residenTial buildings W ang Li-juan, ZHEng Yi-de (School of Urban Planning and Municipal Engineering, Xi'an Polytechnic University, 710048, Xi'an, China) abstract: In order to reduce the influence of urban noise in many aspects of daily life like in working situations, studying and individual life indoors, this paper will provide a new solution for indoor noise reduction which can be applied in erecting buildings. For the commonly used curtains,they can be replaced by a new double-layer sound insulation barrier, and the sound absorption plate is attached to the wall around the room. By comparing the indoor average noise intensity and the noise intensity of each frequency band before and after the transformation, it is found that the proposed transformation measures can reduce the indoor average noise intensity by 7~8 dB in the daytime, and make the indoor environment reach the average noise range required by the national standard. At the same time, it is found that the average indoor noise intensity can be reduced by 2~3 dB by installing wall sound absorption plate or sound absorption barrier alone, while the average indoor noise intensity can be reduced by 3~5 dB by installing sound insulation barrier alone, and the noise reduction really gets work. The polyester fiber material is effective in noise reduction in the medium frequency range (200~2 500 Hz) and high frequency range (more than 2 500 Hz). The PVC transparent soft plate material also has influence on noise reduction in the medium frequency range (200~2 500 Hz). While the above materials have almost no noise reduction effect in the low frequency range (below 200 Hz). Keywords: traffic noise; existing residential building; acoustic environment; sound-insulation reconstruction; acoustic barrier 大多数学者通过更换隔