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某条形基础房屋的顶升纠倾加固技术(论文).pdf 第1页
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建筑施工·第43卷·第1期 105 某条形基础房屋的顶升纠倾加固技术 周健男 戴占彪 刘 辉 赵晓玉 河北建研科技有限公司 河北 石家庄 050200 摘要: 以张家口地区某砌体结构住宅楼纠倾加固工程为例,根据工程地勘报告及附近环境,确定该楼发生倾斜的原 因,制定了采用桩基托换技术对该楼进行顶升纠倾的设计方案。重点阐述了桩基托换技术的施工工艺及关键技术,并 结合有限元对托换梁、既有砌体墙与基础之间的受力情况进行分析,结果表明托换体系可有效扩散千斤顶施加的集中 应力,为顶升作业顺利完成提供了保障。该住宅楼经纠倾加固后,倾斜量由0.55%降至0.06%,满足规范要求,纠倾效 果显著。 关键词: 砌体结构;条形基础;顶升纠倾;桩基托换;数值模拟 中图分类号: T U 746.3 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1 004-1 001(2 021)0 1-0 105-0 4 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 021.0 1.0 34 Jacking Rectifi cation and Reinforcement Technology for a Strip Foundation Building ZHOU Jiannan DAI Zhanbiao LIU Hui ZHAO Xiaoyu Hebei Building Research Engineering Co., Ltd., Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050200, China Abstract: Taking a masonry structure residential building in Zhangjiakou area as an example, according to the engineering geological survey report and the surrounding environment, the causes of the building's inclination were determined, and the design scheme of jacking rectification of the building's inclination by the pile foundation underpinning technology is formulated. This paper focuses on the construction technology and key technology of pile foundation underpinning technology, and combined with the finite element method analyzes the stress situation between the underpinning beams, the existing masonry wall and the foundation. The results show that the underpinning system can effectively diffuse the concentrated stress applied by the jacks, which provides a guarantee for the successful completion of jacking operation. After the rectification and reinforcement, the inclination amount of the residential building decreased from 0.55% to 0.06%, which met the requirements of the code, and the rectification effect was remarkable. Keywords: masonry structure; strip foundation; jacking rectification; pile foundation underpinning; numerical simulation 改扩建工程 RECONSTRUCTION & EXPANSION PROJECT 技 术展开研究,发现人工成孔桩和混凝土托梁能从根本上 解 决砖混结构地基不均匀沉降造成的倾斜问题;崔少华等 [6 ]针 对多层剪力墙结构提出采用断墙(柱)顶升法对结构 进 行纠倾。上述顶升技术均需将建筑物上部结构与基础分 离 ,再单独对基础进行加固处理,而较少有方法将基础和 上 部结构整体进行纠倾加固。 本 文以张家口地区某住宅楼纠倾加固工程为研究对 象 。该地区大多数为回填地基,由于地基不均匀沉降导致 建 筑物倾斜的案例时有发生,对此提出采用桩基托换顶升 法 对该建筑进行纠倾加固施工。该方法无需将基础与上部 结 构分离,在基础下直接制作托换桩进行纠倾施工,保留 了 建筑的完整性,使顶升受力更加合理,安全性能更高。 与 此同时,待顶升完成后,托换桩与原基础形成桩筏基 础 ,极大地提高了地基承载力,若地基土