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支护桩墙刚度对支护结构内力影响的数值模拟研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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112 施 工 技 术 C0NSTRUCT10N TECHNOLOGY 2017年 6月上 第 46卷 第 11期 DOI:10.7672/sgjs20171 101 12 支 护 桩 墙 刚 度 对 支 护 结 构 内 力 影 响 的 数 值 模 拟 研 究 秦 会 来 ,张 晓 春 ,-6程 昊 (1.中建一局集团建设发展有限公司,北京 100102;2.中国信息通信研究院,北京 100191) [摘要]当前的深基坑工程设计多以变形控制为主。对于特定地层条件下,增加支护结构体系的整体刚度是控制 基坑变形的主要途径。提高围护结构的抗弯刚度可以减小基坑的变形,且通过增加围护结构刚度的方式来控制变 形,不会对基坑后续施工产生影响。但增加支护桩墙的刚度会对支护结构的内力产生影响,从而影响支护结构的 设计。借助 PLAXIS2D有限元软件 ,并采用土的HS本构模型,系统研究了悬臂支护、单支点支护以及多支点支护 条件下,支护桩墙抗弯刚度对支护桩墙弯矩 以及 内支撑轴力的影响,并通过分析研究揭示了造成该影响的内在 原因。 [关键词]深基坑;桩墙;刚度;有限元分析;变形 ;弯矩;轴力 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号】1002-8498(2017)11-0112-07 Effect of W all Flexibility on the Internal Forces of the Retaining Structures by Num erical Sim ulation QIN Huilai ,ZHANG Xiaochun ,MA Chenghao。 (1.China Construction First Group Construction&Development Co.,Ltd.,BeOing 100102,China;2.China Academy of Information and Communications Technology,Beijing 100191,China) Abstract:Deformation control is very important in deep foundation excavation design nowadays.Under appointed conditions,to control the deformation of the foundation excavation,the main methods are increasing the overall stiffness of retaining structure system.One choice to increase the overall stiffness of retaining structure system is to enhance the bending stiffness of the retaining pile or retaining wal1.It has the advantage of no effect on the later construction using high bending stiffness retaining walls to control the excavation deformation.When increasing the bending stiffness of the retaining pile,the internal forces will be affected at the same time,and the section design of the retaining structure also.In this paper,the finite element method is employed to study the influence of the bending stiffness on the internal forces of the retaining structures.The commercial sofiware PLAXIS2D is used to do the finite element analysis,and the HS soil model is employed.Different supporting methods,such as cantilever sheet·pile walls,singly-supported sheet—pile walls and multi—supported sheet—pile walls are all analyzed to obtain the overall inherent laws of the influence.The reasons behind the influence laws are revealed here. Key words:deep foundation excavation; retaining walls; flexibility; finite element analysis; deformation;bending moment;axial forces 0 引言 随着 城市 建设 的 发展 ,城市 深 基 坑 工 程 所 面 临 的周 边环 境 问 题 日趋 复 杂 。深 基 坑 施 工 不 仅 要 保 证 自身 的安 全与稳 定 ,也要 保 证 周边 构 (建 )筑 物 以 中建股份技术中心科技研发课题(CSCEC 2015-JQ-02) [作者简介]秦会来