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预制高强薄壁管桩施工技术在高层建筑基础中的应用(论文).pdf 第1页
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·32· 预制高强薄壁管桩施工技术在高层   建筑基础中的应用 许孙杰 (福建地矿建设集团公司,福州 350002)    [摘 要 ] 薄壁钢管离心混凝土管桩,简称TSC桩,具有穿透地质硬夹层能力强、抗锤击能力强、承 载力高、便于施工、能有效节能降材、造价低,且可以与其他不同桩型组合的特点,是最近发展起来的一 种新的沉桩形式。目前,薄壁钢管离心混凝土管桩在国内还处于少量应用阶段,相关规范不全,应用经验 较匮乏。以厦门汇金国际中心大厦TSC桩基施工为例,在概述工程地质条件的基础上,完成了工程桩基设 计,设计了施工工艺技术、桩基测试技术等,为后续该技术的推广应用提供了参考。    [关键词 ] 薄壁管桩; TSC桩 ;承载力    [中图分类号]  TU 473.1;TU 753.3  [文献标志码]  B    [文章编号]  1001-523X (2022 )07-0032-05 APPLICATION OF PRECAST HIGH-STRENGTH THIN-WALL PIPE PILE CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY IN HIGH-RISE BUILDING FOUNDATION Xu Sun-jie    [ Abstract ] Thin-walled steel tubular centrifugal concrete pipe pile, referred to as TSC pile, has the characteristics of strong penetration of geological hard interlayer, strong resistance to hammer, high bearing capacity, easy construction, effective energy saving and material reduction and low cost, and can be combined with other different pile types. It is a new type of pile sinking developed recently. At present, thin-walled steel tubular centrifugal concrete pipe pile is still in a small amount of application stage in China, the relevant specifications are incomplete, and the application experience is relatively lacking. The paper takes Xiamen Huijin International Center Building TSC pile foundation construction as an example. Based on the overview of engineering geological conditions, the project pile foundation design is completed, and the construction technology and pile foundation testing technology are designed, which provides reference for the subsequent promotion and application of this technology.    [Keywords ] thin-wall pipe pile ;TSC pile;bearing capacity 对混凝土及钢材需求量大,薄壁钢管离心混凝土 管桩(简称TSC桩),是最近我国建筑工程上采用的 一种新型桩材。 该材料有独特的优势,抗锤击能力强而节省造 价 [3],最大的优点在于可根据不同的地质条 件及设计 要求与其他不同桩型进行组合使用。 目前,TSC桩属于创新产品,其施工技术在国内 还处于探索阶段,尚无国家和行业的技术规范和标 准。为满足工程建设的要求,保证工程的施工质量, 以厦门汇金国际中心大厦桩基施工为例,在概述工程 地质条件的基础上,完成了工程桩基施工工艺技术设 收稿日期 :2022–01–21 作者简介 :许孙杰(1968—),男,福建闽清人,高级工程师,主 要研究方向为建筑地基基础工程、岩土工程施工技术。 [4] 谭继生,周晓军,朱东峰,等. 地铁区间盾构隧道侧穿高架桥桩 基础对桥墩位移的影响[C].智慧城市与轨道交通,2019. [5] ZHOU XJ,WANG J,et al.Study on anti–buoyancy design and engineering measures for gas pipeline in cross–river shield tunnel[C]. Proceedings of ICPTT 2012,ASCE,1683–1692. [6] ZHOU XJ, WANG JH,et al.Study on launching and receiving technology of shield tunnel[C].Proceedings of ICPTT2011,ASCE, 1864–1873