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相邻深基坑不同开挖方式对所夹地下综合管廊的影响分析(论文).pdf 第1页
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1686 2023·8·Building Construction SCIENTIF CRESEARCH 究 科 研 学 相邻深基坑不同开挖方式对所夹 地下综合管廊的影响分析 崔天义 张博2 赵博生! 孙晨光 1. 中铁建工集团第一建设有限公司 北京 100070 ;2.北京科技大学土木与资源工程学院 北京 100083 摘要:依托邻近2条地下综合管廊的相邻深基坑工程,建立了基坑开挖支护及地下综合管廊的三维有限元模型,研究了 在同步和异步2种开挖方式下,相邻基坑的开挖支护活动对其所夹地下综合管廊受力变形特性的影响。分析结果表明: 基坑开挖引起管廊沉降增大,最大值发生在距离基坑侧最近的位置。相邻深基坑同步和异步不同开挖方式对所夹地下 综合管廊的最终沉降值影响较小,同步开挖方式下综合管廊沉降均值相对较大。相邻深基坑异步开挖使邻近先挖基坑 地下综合管廊的水平位移呈现先增大后减小的变化,这种现象在同步开挖方式下未有体现。不同开挖方式下,综合管 廊最终的水平位移变化规律基本类似。综合管廊工程竣工后,管廊顶板的 Von-Mises 应力和最大剪应力分布较为平均, 靠近综合管廊交会处应力发生增大突变。相邻深基坑的不同开挖方式对所夹地下综合管廊的 Von-Mises 应力和最大剪应 力的影响基本类似,基坑的开挖使管廊顶板的 Von-Mises 应力和最大剪应力都有增大,并导致在距离基坑侧最近位置处 出现应力的峰值。相关的研究成果可为类似工程的设计施工提供借鉴经验。 关键词:相邻基坑;开挖方式;综合管廊;受力变形;数值模拟 中图分类号: TU753 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1004-1001(2023)08-1686-05 DOl:10.14144/j.cnki.jzsg.2023.08.054 Analysis of Impact of Different Excavation Methods on AdjacentDeepFoundation Pits onEmbeddedUndergroundComprehensiveUtilityTunnel CUI Tianyil ZHANG Bo²ZHAO Bosheng gSUNChenguang 1. China Railway Construction Engineering Group No.1 Construction Co., Ltd., Beijing 100070, China; 2. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China Abstract: Based on the adjacent deep foundation pit engineering of two underground comprehensive utility tunnels, a 3D finite element model of foundation pit excavation support and underground comprehensive utilty tunnel is established. The impact of excavation support activities of adjacent foundation pits on the stress and deformation characteristics of the underground comprehensive utility tunnel under synchronous and asynchronous excavation methods is studied. The analysis results indicate that the excavation of foundation pit causes an increase in the settlement of underground comprehensive utility tunnel, with the maximum value occurring at the closest position to the side of foundation pit. The synchronous and asynchronous excavation methods of adjacent deep foundation pits have a relatively small impact on the final settlement value of embedded underground comprehensive utility tunnel, while the average settlement value of underground comprehensive utility tunnel is relatively large under synchronous excavation methods. The asynchronous excavation of adjacent deep foundation pits results in an increase and then decrease in the horizontal displacement of the underground comprehensive utility tunnel of the adjacent first excavated f