2022·4·Building Construction 834
原玉磊 1 马桂宁 2 刘宗武 2 王诗涵 2 王启玲 2 张国辉 2
1. 山东省建设工程消防技术服务中心 山东 济南 250100;2. 中建八局第一建设有限公司 山东 济南 250100
摘要: 为提高预制混凝土构件的脱模效果,以乳液稳定性为评价指标,采用三因素四水平正交试验,研究了乳化剂用
化温度60 ℃、乳化速度1 400 r/min。加入0.7%的助剂后得到生物质柴油基预制混凝土构件脱模剂。进一步采用直观分
关键词: 脱模剂;预制混凝土构件;生物质柴油;表面活性剂
中图分类号: TU57 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004 -1001(2022)04 -0834-04 DOI: 10.14144/j.cnki.jzsg.2022.04.056
Preparation and Performance Analysis of Biomass Diesel Based Release Agent
for Precast Concrete Components
YUAN Yulei 1 MA Guining 2 LIU Zongwu 2 WANG Shihan 2 WANG Qiling 2 ZHANG Guohui 2
1. Construction Fire Protection Technology Service Center of Shandong Province, Jinan, Shandong 250100, China;
2. The First Company of China Eighth Engineering Bureau Ltd., Jinan, Shandong 250100, China
Abstract: To improve the release effect of precast concrete components, take emulsion stability as evaluation index,
the influence of emulsifier dosage, emulsifying temperature and emulsifying speed on the stability of biomass diesel
emulsions is studied by three factors and four levels orthogonal test. The results show that the amount of emulsifier is
an important factor affecting the stability of biomass diesel emulsion, while the emulsifying speed has little effect on
the stability of the emulsion. The optimum conditions for the biodiesel emulsion are as follows: emulsifier dosage 4%,
emulsification temperature 60 ℃, and emulsification speed 1400 r/min. After adding 0.7% additives, the biomass diesel
based release agent for precast concrete components is obtained. The demoulding effect of the release agent was
further tested by visual analysis method and on -site construction, and it was found that the construction cost was cheap,
the demoulding was smooth, and the edges and corners of the precast components were complete, the surface was
smooth without any pores and pits, and the surface cleanliness of the pedestal after demouldling was high.
Keywords: re le ase a g ent; p re cast c oncre te c om ponents ; b io m ass d ie se l; s u rfa ce a ctiv e a g ent
表 面经常出现气孔、麻点及水纹等问题,甚至在拆模过程