基基公总木司主工专施总司 办/主 | 公总木司主工专施总司岩层地区地下连续墙橡胶止水带接头施工中
分离式接头箱的应用冯国卫上 海 远 方 基 础 工 程 有 限 公 司 上 海 2 0 0 4 3 6摘要:结合杭州至富阳城际铁路科创园站基坑围护地下连续墙工程,对岩层地区地下连续墙橡胶止水带接头施工中分
范围。关键词:岩层地区;地下连续墙;橡胶止水带接头;分离式接头箱发煤底慧荞庆TU7 5 3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1 0 0 4 - 1 0 0 1 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 0 8 - 1 4 4 0 - 0 2 D O I: 10.1 4 1 4 4 /j.cnki.j z s g.2021.0 8 . 0 0 4工 数数.中旅_?中31 3 卷 内 2 数 _ 4_ ?2 班 台3中1? 办3理 中1 台3中1? 杂 31〇?4签旅?中31 3 卷 主 中_数 0 4_8 一 多 _..
R u b b e r W a t e r S top Joint in R ock S tratu m A re a^H@k kflgr77aSHBaSF Yuanfang Groundwork Engineering Cov Ltd., Shanghai 200436, China<>S5-Gg5x Combined with the foundation pit support diaphragm wall project of Kechuangyuan station of Hangzhou-
Fuyang intercity railway, the application of separated joint box in the construction of diaphragm wall rubber water stop
joint in rock stratum area is studied. To solve the problem of lateral stripping and turnover difficulty of integral joint box
of rubber water stop joint in rock area, the top-pulling stripping technology of separated joint box is adopted, which
effectively solves the problem of joint box stripping and turnover in rock stratum area, and expands the application scope
of rubber water stop joint in rock area.^xnsrYSPE rock stratum area; diaphragm wall; rubber water stop joint; separated joint box ?F ? ?????J?~ ????J?, ??0
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