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跨房山铁路钢箱梁吊装施工技术(论文).pdf 第1页
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建筑技术开发 Building Technology DevelopmentID?s E n g in e e rin g a n d T e c h n o lo g yse b u s mk0 2 0 2 1年5月跨房山铁路钢箱梁吊装施工技术李晓超优 收和方会士(核总会出版首批学术龙式 军 层月层层层层仅[摘要]结合了北京地铁燕房线跨房山铁路桥(55+85+55) m连续钢混结合梁,该桥梁跨越房山线铁路,小角度跨越京周路, 在钢箱梁的施工中, 吊装尤为重要,对钢箱梁的施工质量与施工安全有很大的影响。结合具体工程实例、工程实践,详细介绍 跨既有线路钢箱梁吊装施工的具体应用,对施工技术作出分析,作为今后跨既有线路钢箱梁吊装施工带来一定的借鉴作用。+ 忠 典 警 坤跨 既 有 线 路 ;钢 箱 梁 吊 装 ;施工技术+人 很 割 障 转 坤T U74 [文献标志 码 ]B [ 文 章 编 号 ] 1001-523X (2021) 10-0111-033刊电定批电心学 新心盘 论刊心定批全光期批电刊心 统)期收心刊总刊学录 刊首 家批))总 ♦刊- 8电全盘)全 Crossing Fangshan RailwayLi X ia o -ch a oAbstract ] The continuous steel-concrete beam containing (55+85+55) m o f the Yanfang Line across the Fangshan Railway on the Beijing Metro is introduced. The bridge spans the Fangshan Line and crosses the Jingzhou Road at a small angle. During the construction o f the steel box girder, the hoisting is particularly important and has a great impact on the construction quality and safety o f steel box girder. Combined specific engineering examples and engineering practices * the specific application o f steel box girder hoisting construc­ tion over existing lines is introduced in detail. The construction technology is analyzed, which provides some reference for future steel box girder hoisting construction over existing lines.0 .)录1刊全盘定 ] crossing existing line ; steel box girder hoisting ; construction technology《*+~I。?+#"《99D5u???u。 ???1•??#??~c?k.#。? #?\?u ???。4???#??。??au?"??"w?? gk?。《~?IGmF?U]q《~??I。?? ~?D4_+。,?3}°??a9u???#???w。 ??R??u。A?+~k?rY??}°,?kV?q 《 * + ~  ? ? I 。