。析计锋顺北辽)7总司锡总-鸿 施址地-地志电 1 志团-团鸿施志施-程无锡新技术在大型装配式项目群体塔吊管理中的应用吴 斌深圳)3文)具有需求半司 上海 200120? > 以上海市某在建的大型装配式混凝土结构工程项目为例,着重阐述了如何运用BIM技术进行塔吊布置和选型的方
后装配式项目群体塔吊的布置及管理积累了经验。关 键 词:装配式工程项目;塔吊选型布置;BIM技术;工况模拟;群塔信息管理中 图 分 类 号 :TU71 文 献 标 志 码 :A 文 章 编 号 :"1004-1001 (2〇19)0 9 -17 70 -0 3 D O I: 10.14144/j.cnki.jzsg.2019.09.056tllK3Uun31T 1m ho( s/UCT1K18k n1 Mi1Sl s15/i giuT/
Management in Large Prefabricated Projects M P Biniw■T-w■Q lUT(GfhuGQUT dUcx /gfUhkF lUb DG(.; Shanghai 200120, China4 L MAOY D A\ Taking a large-scale prefabricated concrete structure project under construction in Shanghai as an example,
this paper emphatically expounds how to use BIM technology to arrange and select tower cranes. Through BIM
technology modeling, tower crane layout and construction conditions are simulated, and different stages of tower
crane layout methods are obtained, followed by optimization of tower crane layout. Finally, an attempt is made to
carry out group tower crane information management through the combination of BIM technology and cloud platform.
The engineering practice verifies the feasibility of relevant measures, and accumulates experience for the layout and
management of group tower cranes in future prefabricated building project.e A T , 圳 精& 半 立 prefabricated engineering project; tower crane type selection and layout; BIM technology; working condition
simulation; group tower crane information management? ?s ?|?-? ??] ?? ? ?? ??]TN?
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