Engineering Cost ManagementExchange Garden 探讨建设工程纠纷主要问题 张正勤 (上海东方环发律师事务所 ,上海200127) 【摘要】《最高人民法院关于建设工程施工合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释 》(以下简称 《施工合同纠纷司法解释 》)自实施 以来,对中国建设工程行业的发展起到了不容忽视的作用 。但随着行业的不断发展壮大 ,难免出现些许疏漏 。文章通过案例 分析,就建设工程纠纷近年来备受关注的一系列问题提出建议 。主要就中标通知发出生效但合同尚未成立 、何为《中华人民共 和国招标投标法 》中的实质性内容 、判断招标合意应当依据什么 、招标前提变化可否调整合同条款 、发包的前提是否是具有合 法的发包权 、开工日期如何确定 、举证证明工期顺延责任是应当是谁 、自愿招标是否存在阴阳合同的问题 、完全按中标备案合 同确定招标合意是否正确以及合作开发对工程款承担什么责任等 10个建设工程纠纷主要问题进行探讨 。 【关键词】施工合同纠纷 中标备案 招标合意 阴阳合同 【中图分类号 】TU723.3 【文献标识码 】A 【文章编号 】1008-2166(2018)06-81-06 【DOI】10.19730/j.cnki.1008-2166.2018-06-081 Discussion on main problems in construction project disputes Zhang Zhengqin (Shanghai Dongfang Huanfa Law Firm, Shanghai 200127 ,China) 【Abstract】‘Interpretation of Supreme People's Court on Applicable Law Issures in Cases Concerning Construction Project Construc - tion Contract Disputes (hereinafter referred to as Judicial Interpretation of Construction Contract Disputes) has played an indispens - able role in development of China construction engineering industry since its implementation. However, some omissions are inevitablewith continuous development and expansion of the industry. Suggestions are proposed on a series of problems that have attractedmuch attention in recent years aiming at construction project disputes through case analysis in the paper. 10main problems in con - struction project disputes are discussed mainly: bid-winning notice is issued and valid but the contract has not been set up; substan - tive contents in ‘Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China ’, basis for judging bidding compliance, whether contract articles can be adjusted according to biding precondition changes, whether the contracting precondition has legal contract issuance right or not,how to determine the commencement date, evidence to prove the person in charge of construction duration postponing ability, wheth - er voluntary bidding has contracts in different versions, determining whether the bidding compliance is correct or not according to bidwinning record contract completely or not, the responsibility of cooperation development on engineering fund, etc.【Keyword 】Construction contract dispute; Bid filing; Bidding compliance; Agreement in different versions 作者简介:张正勤(1961—),男,上海人,律师,主要从事建筑行业法律服务 ,建设工程纠纷调解服务等工作 。 收稿日期:2018年4月 81
工程造价管理 /2018年第6期 交流园地一、中标通知发出生效合同尚未成立1、问题由来通 常 认 为 ,招 标 属 于 要 约 邀 请 ,投 标 是 要 约,而 中 标 是 承 诺 。中 标 通 知 发 出 即 生 效 ,而 《中华人民共和国合同法 》认为:承诺生效则合同 成