尤池??。析2真??防(明金杯'特“邻。(状。贰环团)总司 “邻 卷 国 中 中 国 工摘 要 :上海玉佛禅寺改扩建工程除对核心建筑天王殿及大雄宝殿进行保护性修缮外,其余均为拆除重建。为确保新建
为类似工程施工提供参考。示蓉献:宗教建筑;仿古施工;钢包木;铜瓦屋面1学:炎v国TU7 5 5 文 献标志码:A 文章编号:1004-1001(2019)09-1673-03 D O I: 10.14144/j.cnki.j z s g.2019.09.026(西司量,03 成宝西4司于0德司量宝西 圳3德-西宝S宝半年 量西 2宝是3于西 圳3精BS3 倍0量S是量西半4是德司 WeimingPYWeuYWE Construction No.4 (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201103, ChinaA b stract: In addition to the protective renovation of the core bu ildings of the Tianw ang Hall and Daxiong P alace , the rest
buildings in the renovation and expansion project of the J a d e 巳ud dh a Z en Tem ple in Shan g h ai are all dem olished and
rebuilt. In order to ensure the harmony and unification between the new building and the original temple building style, the
antique effect of roof and building fagade is vigorously constructed in the new construction project. After demonstration,
an a lysis and com parison of various sch em es, the construction technology of main steel structure w rapped with wood
veneer and wooden roof laid with copper tile to imitate small bronze tile is adopted, which a c h ie ve s the expected effect
and can provide reference for sim ilar projects.K e y w o r d s: religious building; antique construction; steel w rapped with wood; co pp er tile roof? » ? # h ? ? ? z @??z0 ? ??C*q
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