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强渗透性软土地层中硬咬合桩施工技术研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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·2747 · 强渗透性软土地层中硬咬合桩施工技术研究 王高峰, 付建武, 张光庭, 田家铭, 李小江 (中建二局第三建筑工程有限公司,100070,北京) 摘 要: 硬咬合桩作为一种深基坑围护结构,采用旋挖钻孔及泥浆护壁硬切割法施工,但在面对强渗透 性软土地层类问题时,依托龙岗区园山街道 188 工业区城市更新单元一期基坑支护及土石方工程项目(简称 188项目),无法保证成孔、桩体质量,以至于咬合效果未能达到设计要求。为了解决此问题,通过研究硬 咬合桩在强渗透性软土地层地层的工作原理、施工工艺、加固效果,对其在强渗透性软土地层中的适应性、 安全性、经济性等方面的应用效果进行深入探讨。研究表明,在强渗透性软土地层中,硬咬合桩不仅可有效 加固地基,提高基坑的稳定性,还能有效地提高施工效率和质量,降低施工难度和成本,缩短了施工时间, 产生更好的经济效益,解决了硬咬合桩在强渗透性软体地层中的施工问题。研究结果可为强渗透性软土地层 中硬咬合桩施工技术的应用提供参考。 关键词: 硬咬合桩;强渗透性;软土地层 中图分类号:TU 74 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-4726(2023)22-2747-05 RESEARCH ON CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY FOR RIGID SECANT PILE WALL IN HIGH- PERMEABILITY SOFT SOIL LAYER WANG Gao-feng, FU J ian-wu, ZHANG Guang-ting, TIAN Jia-ming, LI Xiao-jiang (The Third Construction Engineering Company Ltd. of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau, 100070, Beijing, China) Abstract: As a retaining structure for deep foundation pits, rigid secant pile walls are constructed by rotary drilling and rigid cutting of slurry retaining walls. Taking the pile foundation project (Project 188 for short) in Phase I of the urban innovation unit in the industrial zone at No. 188, Yuanshan Road, Longgang District as an example, the drilling, pile quality and secant pile wall quality cannot meet design requirements in high-permeability soft soil layers. To solve these problems, the effects of rigid secant pile walls in high-permeability soft soil layers are deeply explored in terms of adaptability, safety and economy by studying the working principle, construction process and reinforcement effect of rigid secant pile walls in high-permeability soft soil layers. Results show that rigid secant pile walls in high-permeability soft soil layers cannot only effectively strengthen foundations and enhance the stability of high foundation pits, but also can greatly improve the construction efficiency and quality, reduce construction difficulties and costs, shorten the construction time and bring more economic benefits, as a solution to construction problems in high-permeability soft soil layers. Research results can also be applied for reference in the construction technology for rigid secant pile walls in high-permeability soft soil layers. Keywords: rigid secant pile wall; high permeability; soft soil layer 随着城市化进程的加速,建筑用地越来越紧张, 建筑物需要在更加复杂的地质条件下建设。其中,强 渗透性软土地层是一种非常具有挑战性的地质环境, 其土体具有很高的压缩性和可塑性,且水分含量较 高,易引起地基沉降、结构变形等问题。目前我国传 统咬合桩的施工技术为先施工素混土桩 ,再施工钢筋 混凝土桩