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建筑企业安全投入的加权相关度及优化研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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第47卷第 4期 2015年 8月 西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版) J.Xi’an Univ.ofArch.&Tech.(Natural Science Edition) V_01.47NO.4 Aug.2015 DOh 10.15986~.1006—7930.2015.04.004 建 筑 企 业 安 全 投 入 的 加 权 相 关 度 及 优 化 研 究 陆 宁 刘 静 (长安大学建筑工程学院,陕西 西安710061) 摘 要:为减少安全事故中人员伤亡和财产损失,运用加权关联度及动态优化的方法,进行建筑企业安全投入指标排序及安 全投入力度优化研究.基于安全投入预防性、针对性和风险性等特征 ,讨论建筑企业管理、人员、技术和设备等方面安全投 入的构成,建立建筑企业安全投入评价指标体系,构建建筑企业安全投入相关度优化模型,引入关联矩阵和权重矩阵,综合 确定各项安全投入指标的加权相关度排序,并对未来安全投入力度进行优化,最后给出算例分析.结果表明,该方法通过计 算关联系数和指标权重,能够提高安全投入相关度排序结果的准确性 ,优化安全投入力度,实现建筑企业安全投入结构的合 理量化调整. 关键词 :建筑企业;安全投入;加权相关度;排序;优化 中图分类号:X948 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006—7930(2015)04—0482—5 Study on the w eighted correlation degree and optim ization of safety investm ent in construction enterprises UNing LIUJing (School of Civil Engineering,Chang an University,Xi an 7 1 006 1,China) Abstract:To reduce casualties and property losses of safety accidents,the index ranking and intensity optimization of safety invest— ment in construction enterprises were studied by weighted correlation degree and dynamic optimization.Based on the features of precaution,pertinence and risk,the composition of safety investment including management,personnel,technology and equipment was discussed,the evaluation index system of safety investment was built,and the correlation degree optimization model was estab— lished.By introducing the correlation matrix and weight matrix,the ranking of weighted correlation degree was comprehensively determined,the future safety investment intensity was optimized,through an example.The results indi