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严寒地区既有建筑围护结构节能改造优化(论文).pdf 第1页
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·78· 严寒地区既有建筑围护结构节能改造优化 刘 馨, 林心童, 冯国会, 左雨凝, 杨晓丹, 周倩楠 (沈阳建筑大学市政与环境工程学院,110168,沈阳) 摘 要: 以严寒地区既有办公建筑为研究对象,归纳整理我国建筑节能改造实例,确定影响建筑能耗的 主要围护结构因素是外墙、屋面和外窗。建立 DEST–H模型,分析应用不同种类保温材料和不同厚度保温 材料的外墙、屋面,不同传热系数的外窗以及不同等级气密性改造方案对建筑能耗影响,进一步评估改造方 案的经济效益。结果表明,优化影响因素后,方案的节能率均超过 69%,最高节能率达到75.93%;所有改 造方案的NPV值均为正,满足经济性评估要求,具有较好的经济效益;建筑气密性达到 8级时,建筑的全 年累计热负荷可减少 123 778.62 kWh,实际改造过程中需控制气密性等级大小,防止房间因气密性过高导致 空气质量变差。 关键词: 节能改造;围护结构;气密性;经济性评估 中图分类号:TU 74 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-4726(2023)01-0078-05 OPTIMIZATION FOR ENERGY-SAVING RECONSTRUCTION OF EXISTING BUILDING RETAINING STRUCTURE IN SEVERE COLD AREAS LIU Xin, LIN Xin-tong, FENG Guo-hui, ZUO Yu-ning, YANG Xiao-dan, ZHOU Qian-nan (School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, 110168, Shenyang, China ) Abstract: This thesis summarizes the cases of domestic building energy-saving renovation, and identifies external walls, roofs and external windows as the main retaining structure factors affecting energy consumption of buildings through studying the existing office buildings in severe cold areas. In addition, a DEST-H model is established to analyze the impact of external walls and roofs using different types and thicknesses of thermal insulation materials, external windows with different heat transfer coefficients and reconstruction plans with different levels of air tightness on building’s energy consumption, and to further evaluate the economic benefits of the reconstruction plans. It indicates that the energy-saving rates of the reconstruction plans all exceed 69%, with the highest rate reaching 75.93% after optimizing the influencing factors; all NPV values are positive and meet the requirements of economical evaluation with good economic benefits; the annual cumulative heat load of the building can be reduced by 123,778.62kWh when air tightness of building is at level 8. Besides, the air tightness should be controlled into a lower level in actual reconstruction to prevent deteriorated air quality of the room. Keywords: energy-saving reconstruction; retaining structure; air tightness; economical evaluation 建筑围护结构性能影响整个建筑的供暖能耗,因 此对老旧建筑进行围护结构改造是节能的有效措施。 近年来,我国严寒和寒冷地区既有居住建筑的节能改 造工作也取得了很大的成效。 总体来说,单纯研究建筑围护结构节能改造存在 一定的局限性,改造时应体现内外部条件与围护结构 之间的相关性。因此对围护结构进行改造时,应综合 考虑不同类型改造要素与气密性之间的综合作用。通 过对比我国建筑节能改造实例,筛选影响建筑能