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现拌湿式回填技术在建筑施工中应用(论文).pdf 第1页
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·122 · 现拌湿式回填技术在建筑施工中应用 钟  韧 (北京城建集团有限责任公司,北京 100088 )    [摘 要 ] 针对严峻的大气环境形势,施工现场环境污染控制不容忽视,尤其是土方作业干式开挖和回 填。施工现场现拌湿式回填技术是利用开挖堆积土方现场加工成流态土,直接进行沟槽、基坑等回填,在 大体积、大面积回填施工中,既能保证回填速度及施工质量, 又能提升工程绿色文明施工水平,全面降低 施工现场扬尘污染,保护和改善大气环境质量。    [关键词 ] 现拌湿式回填技术 ;建筑施工;大气环境    [中图分类号]  TL 94      [文献标志码]  B     [文章编号]  1001 -523X (2022 )08-0122 -04 APPLICATION OF NOW-MIXED WET BACKFILL TECHNOLOGY IN CONSTRUCTION Zhong Ren    [Abstract ] In view of the severe atmospheric environment, how to control the environmental pollution on construction site should not be ignored, especially the earthwork dry excavation and backfill which is the main reasons of air pollution. The now-mixed wet backfill technology on construction site is the technology which uses excavated and accumulated earthwork to process fluid soil, backfill trenches and foundation pits, etc. It can ensure the backfill speed and construction quality, especially in large-volume and large-area backfill construction. It can further improve the green and civilized construction level of the project, comprehensively reduce the dust pollution on the construction site, and protect and improve the quality of the atmospheric environment.    [Keywords ] now-mixed wet backfill technology ;building construction ;atmospheric environment 传统的土方回填是采用机械或人工的方式进行分 层夯实回填,该回填方式效率低、质量不稳定、受天 气影响较大且存在环境污染。近年来,湿式回填施工 技术逐渐进入施工现场代替部分回填土施工,但因运 输、价格等方面影响主要使用在狭窄的基槽、异形基 坑内等施工空间受限的局部部位。 通过阐述利用流态土可泵性、自密实的特性, 调整配比提高强度,应用在大面积的地基基础回填工 程,并在施工现场堆土点建站生产,就近运输,利用 原始土方进行土石分离、循环水利用等技术降低成 本,解决大面积回填施工难题,提高工效,保证质 收稿日期 :2022–02–15 作者简介 :钟韧(1979—),男,湖北利川人,工程师,主要研究 方向为建筑工程现场应用技术。 [2] Saif Hameed Hlail,Hlail Saif Hameed,Al Busaltan Shakir,et al. Sustainable Development of Highly Flowable Cementitious Grouts for Semi-flexible Pavement Mixture[J]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2020,928(2). [3] 张其功. 半柔性灌注型抗车辙沥青路面施工工艺研究[J]. 工程技术 研究,2020,5(18):27–30,42. [4] 续铁军. 半柔性水泥混凝土复合路面施工技术[J]. 公路交通科技 (应用技术版),2020,16(1):57–58. [5] Abolfazl Hassani,Mohammad Taghipoor,Mohammad M. Karimi. A state of the art of semi-flexible pavements: Introduction, design, and performance[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2020,253(C). [6 Xing Cai,Hong Zhang,Jiayun Zhang,et al. Investigation on reinforcing mechanisms of semi-flexible pavement material thro