建筑施工·第44卷·第6期 1417
陆 晨
上海轨道交通十八号线发展有限公司 上海 200135
摘要: 隧道内预埋槽道技术早期应用于欧洲铁路,现在德国、法国等国的高速铁路已有成熟的运营经验。随着国内高
关键词: 轨道交通;预埋槽道;快速安装系统;疲劳性能
U 227.4 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004 -1001(2022)06 -1 417-0 5 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 022.0 6.0 74
Study on Fatigue Performance of Embedded Channel
for Non-damage Rapid Installation
LU Chen
Shanghai Rail Transit Line 18 Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200135, China
Abstract: The embedded channel technology in the tunnel is applied to European railways in the early stage, and now
the high-speed railways in Germany, France and other countries have mature operation experience. With the rapid
development of domestic high-speed railway, a new type of damage free rapid installation system has appeared. These
technologies have the characteristics of no damage to the structure, low comprehensive cost, shortening the construction
period and reducing the pollution to the construction environment. Many studies are carried out on the mechanical
properties of embedded channels at home and abroad, but there is little research on the fatigue properties of embedded
channels. Therefore, for a new type of non-destructive rapid installation embedded channel, the fatigue of the bare
channel is studied to detect the quality of the embedded channel, so as to provide a reference for the application of non-
destructive rapid installation system in the installation of urban rail pipeline and equipment.
r a il tr a nsit ; e m bed ded c hannel; r a p id in sta lla tio n s yste m ; fa tig ue p erfo rm ance
不 可少。目前,国内外已经在力学方面对预埋槽道进行了
部 分研究,如刘长利等
[7 ]对 预埋槽道进行研究分析,提出
了 盾构管片预埋槽道技术的优势。李智明
[8 ]分 析了预埋槽
道 的抗拉和抗剪受力机理,并定量计算分析预埋槽道抗剪
极 限荷载和承载力,为预埋槽道方案的力学机制提供了基
础 。Perto ld 等
[9 ], Khalil等 [ 1 0]对 预埋槽道进行了数值仿真模
拟 分析,介绍了锚固的各项性能。
为 了研究预埋槽道的极限破坏过程,国内外学者也
进 行了一些研究。如杨福芹等
[1 1 ]分 析了预埋槽道的破坏过
程 ,破坏过程主要表现为预埋槽道拉断破坏损伤和混凝土
结 构发生锥形破坏损伤。薛佳
[1 2]则 对预埋槽道进行了极限
破 坏试验,预埋槽道在3倍 工作荷载下,发生了明
变 形和功能性失效破坏。
综 上所述,针对地下轨道交通中的预埋槽道,国内外
学 者从本身的力学性质到槽道的极限破坏过程都已进行较
为 充足的研究,但对于预埋槽道疲劳性能的研究还尚少