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严寒地区超低能耗建筑采用蓄热电锅炉与超低温空气源热泵联合供热探讨(论文).pdf 第1页
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·1337 · ·1337 · 严寒地区超低能耗建筑采用蓄热电锅炉与超低温 空气源热泵联合供热探讨 武艳丽 1, 付俊华 2, 梁 征 2, 林 方 2, 王 飞 2 (1.北京建筑技术发展有限责任公司,100069,北京;2. 北京新城绿源科技发展有限公司,101113,北京) 摘 要: 以大同能源馆为例,通过能耗模拟软件DeST建立模型,根据建筑负荷特点尝试实施严寒地区 超低能耗建筑的一种零碳、清洁供热系统,该系统优先利用可再生能源将光伏发电所发电力接入固体蓄热电 锅炉,建立超低温空气源热泵和固体蓄热电锅炉联合供热系统,并提供合理运行控制策略,保证建筑供热连 续性、可靠性。经运行数据表明,蓄热电锅炉与超低温空气源热泵联合供热系统在采暖期实现高效稳定运行, 室内温度满足超低能耗建筑设计标准。联合供热系统在超低能耗建筑上的应用为严寒地区建筑实现零碳、清 洁供热提供有效解决方案,响应了我国节能减排的号召。 关键词: 超低能耗建筑;可再生能源;超低温空气源热泵;蓄热电锅炉;光伏发电;能耗模拟 中图分类号:TU 201.5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-4726(2022)10-1337-03 DISCUSSION ON THE APPLICATION COMBINED HEAT SUPPLY BY HEAT STORAGE ELECTRIC BOILER AND ULTRA-LOW TEMPERATURE AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMP IN ULTRA-LOW ENERGY BUILDING IN SEVERE COLD REGIONS WU Yan-li 1, FU Jun-hua 2, LIANG Zheng 2, LIN Fang 2, WANG Fei 2 (1.Beijing Building Technology Development Co., Ltd., 100069, Beijing, China; 2.Beijing New City Green Resources Technology Development Co., Ltd., 101113, Beijing, China) Abstract: Based on Datong Energy exhibition building, this paper used energy consumption software DeST to build a model and tried to apply a zero-carbon and clean heat supply system to ultra-low energy building in severe cold region according to the building loading characteristics. This system preferentially uses regenerable energy to connect the power of photovoltaic power plant to solid heat storage electric boiler, to build a combined heat supply system of ultra-low temperature air source heat pump and sold heat storage electric boiler. Reasonable operation and control strategies were proposed to guarantee continuous and reliable heat supply. After analysis on the operation data, it was found that the combined heat supply system has effective and reliable operation in heating period, and indoor temperature could reach the design standard of ultra-low energy building. Its successful application on ultra-low energy building provided effective solutions for zero-carbon and clean heat supply to buildings in severe cold regions, satisfying the national requirements for energy conservation and emission reduction. Keywords: ultra-low energy building; regenerable energy; ultra-low air source heat pump; heat storage electric boiler; photovoltaic power generation; energy consumption simulation 1 项目概述 大同能源馆为被动式超低能耗建筑,总建筑面 积为 2.9万 m 2,地上建筑面积为 1.8万 m 2,地下建 筑面积为 1.1万 m 2,屋顶光伏覆