第 48卷 第 1期
2016年 2月
西安建筑科技大学学报 (自然科学版)
J.Xi’an Univ.ofArch.&Teck(Natural Science Editionl'
建 筑 设 计 创 新 的 外 部 有 效 激 励 与 监 管 分 析
韩 晨 平 , 王 栋 ,顾 贤 光 , 田 国 华
(1.中国矿业大学力学与建筑工程学院,江苏 徐州 221116;2.江苏建筑节能与建造技术协同创新中心,江苏 徐州 221116)
关键词:建筑设计创新 ;创新风险;激励 ;监管
中图分类号:TU.05 文献标志码 :A 文章编号:1006.7930(2016)01..0133.04
Analysis of external effective incentive and supervision
in architectural design innovation
HAN Chenping WANG Dong,GUXianguang, TIAN Guohua
(1.School ofMechanics and Civil Engineering,。China University ofMining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China;
2.JiangSu Collaborative Innovation Center for Building Energy Saving and Construction Technology,Xuzhou 221l16.China)
Abstract:In market economy.oriented sociel realization of architectural design innovation requires the ipint efrorts of construction
investment units(customer)and architects,In architectura]I design innov,'ation activities.the attitude of architects faced with the inn&.
ration risk is an important factor in achieving architectural design innovation,and the construction investment units generalIy prompt the architects to overcome innovation risk and ensure the effe~ctive realization of architectural design innovation through two means of external incentives and supervision.Using the mathematical mod