2021·2·Building Construction 232
上海建工五建集团有限公司 上海 200063
摘要: 上海科技大学图书馆书卷楼属于扭转不规则建筑,给模板设计与施工等带来巨大挑战。通过对空间异形曲面混
关键词: 空间异形;曲面混凝土结构;模板设计;支撑体系;模板定位
T U 731 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1 004-1 001(2 021)0 2-0 232-0 2 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 021.0 2.0 20
Design and Construction Technology of Space Special-shaped Curved Surface Formwork
WU Huangyun
Shanghai Construction No. 5 (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200063, China
Abstract: The scroll building of the library of Shanghai University of Science and Technology is an irregularly twisted
building, which brings great challenges to the formwork design and construction. The construction formwork selection
design, positioning accuracy control and construction method of space special -
shaped curved surface concrete
structure are deeply studied. The design scheme and supporting system of wood formwork with straight formwork design
instead of curved one are put forward, and the formwork is positioned by using the software of Revit, which overall ensure
the construction quality and precision and fully interpret the innovative ideas of the designer.
s p ace s p ecia l- s h ap ed ; c urv e d c oncre te s tr u ctu re ; fo rm work d esig n; s u p port s yste m ; fo rm work p osit io nin g
凝 土结构模板的选择、支撑及施工定位进行研究,总结分
析 并提出一套适用于空间异形曲面现浇混凝土结构的施工
工 艺。
1 工程概况
上 海科技大学校园建设项目位于张江高科园区中区的
上 海浦东科技园区内,其中图书馆位于整个校园的规划东
南 角,三面环绕景观水面。图书馆一角的设计带有“书卷
式 ”装