摘 要:本文分析不同水层朝向和供水流量下的太阳得热系数变化特性。结果表明:真空水流窗的太阳得热
季室内太阳热利用率;且水流窗集热量小,各供水流量下的水流集热效率差值仅为 3%~6%。 相 反 ,水 层 朝
外安装时,循环水的平均集热效率可高达到 76%,不仅可以强化太阳能集热,还能进一步削弱室内得热并
关键 词: 真 空 水 流 窗 ;太 阳 得 热 系 数 ;供 水 流 量 ;水 层 朝 向 ;水 集 热 效 率
中图分类号: T U111. 4 8 文献标识码: A 文章编号:10 02
-851X(2022 )S2 -0552 -07
DOI :10.14181/j.c n k i.10 0 2 - 851x . 20 22S2552
Experimental Study on Solar Heat Gain Coefficient of Vacuum Water Flow Window
PENG Hao 1, LV Yuanli 1, 2,YA N G We i 1, SU Hua 1,ZHOU Tiantai 1,LI Jun 1
( 1.School of architecture and civil engineering ,Xihua University ,C h e n gd u 610 039 ,China ;2.Laboratory of Fluid Power Machinery ,Xihua
University ,C h e n gd u 610 039 ,China )
Abstract :
The solar heat gain coefficients were analyzed under different water layer orientations and water supply
flow rates. The results show that the solar heat gain coefficient of the vacuum water flow window decreases with
the increase of the water supply flow rate. When the water layer faces inward ,the solar heat gain coefficient of
the vacuum water flow window is larger than that of the water layer faces outward ;and the water flow window
collects small amount of heat ,and the difference in the average heat collection efficiency of circulating water
under each water supply f low rate is only 3% ~6% ,which can improve the indoor solar heat utilization rate
in winter. On the contrary ,when the water layer is installed outside ,the average heat collection efficiency of
circulating water can be as high as 76% ,which can not only strengthen solar heat collection but also further
weaken indoor heat gain ,which is more suitable for summer application.
Keywords :
vacuum water f low window ;solar heat gain coefficient ;water supply f low rate ;water layer
orientation ;water heat collection efficiency
1 引 言
在建筑围护结构中,窗是不可或缺的重要组成部 分。由于窗户材料的特 殊 性,通 过窗体的传热所导致的
50%左 右。
太阳辐射对建筑的热 湿环境有着重要的影响,供 冷季,
( Solar heat gain coefficient ,SHGC )这一热性能指标
开展研究对指导建筑节能有着重要意义。 真空水流窗是一种新型的围护结 构节能技 术,如
图 1所示,它是由一块普通玻璃与带有 Low-E涂层的真
*基 金项目:国家自然 科 学基 金( RZ1900002636) ;成 都 市 科 技 局 重
点研发计划技术创新项目( 2 019 -Y F 0 5 - 0 2174 - S N)
作 者简介:彭 浩,硕士研究 生,研究方向:供热、供 燃气、通 风 及 空调 工程。