0优济杬直气“区。有是苏有江( 办总成江成直州 辐 直,江,(办直办江属路下?秘/州其以名/读办 江航«I?楼 洲 背 训 告 京 青 中 靳 及 做 湾 文 的 化 缘? 土 承 承 土 程 承H航接硇宏??路下?秘/办域<以总司外固爰帻路下?秘/办州其外<设路下?秘/办智«外海咦宏2名/读个
赢试办湾搂成安外{咦宏名/读办 江航«外? 五c?z东舟?z隈办.k团)e固业?华路下?秘/2f闭科^膺
湾(^办地址外个四:持幽V殊赢试舟求州其外7航联总路下?秘/?2办??外状<设业出助[持“省试华闭??接路下?秘/林州其林名/ 江航«林??楼 闵 决 軒 , 接TU 7 2 3 .3 1 文 献 标 志 码 :A 文 章 编 号 :1 0 0 4 -1 0 0 1 (2 0 2 1 )0 3 -0 5 4 1 -0 2 D O I: 1 0 .1 4 1 4 4 /j.cn k i.jz sg .2 0 2 1 .03.061U n b a la n c e d Q u o tatio n S t r a t e g y a n d O p e ra tio n P o in ts in P r ic in gM5Ie VsmcucaPN o. 4 E n g in e e r in g C o v Ltd. o f C h in a R a ilw a y 1 8 th B u r e a u G r o u p , T ia n jin 3 0 0 3 5 0 , C h in aKM.s71-s: In order to explain the phenomenon and significance of unbalanced quotation, find out the strategy for
unbalanced quotation, according to the characteristics of unbalanced quotation, this paper puts forward the effective
ways to be used in pricing, and points out the operation points of pricing, so as to realize the original intention of
"collecting money early and collecting more money". Unbalanced quotation has certain advantages under the relevant
provisions, and can integrate and flexibly use a variety of strategies, however, attention should also be paid to the risks of
unbalanced quotation, and use it reasonably according to the actual situation.套平§义实卷值糍: unbalanced quotation; strategy; pricing operation points; risk q ?e??nT?w ?
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