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民用高层建筑深基坑边坡支护措施力学分析(论文).pdf 第1页
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· 103 · 深基坑设计优化中,需着重考虑基坑边坡受力特 点,制订深基坑支护措施专项方案,保证其边坡稳定 性。因此,针对民用高层建筑深基坑边坡支护措施方 案进行研究,分析不同工况下支护措施力学变化具有 重要施工应用价值。 目前,国内外研究者大多采用有限元仿真模拟与 理论相结合的方法针对边坡支护措施进行研究,并针 对不同工况提出针对性施工方案,优化施工方案,提 高施工效率。有学者通过建立深基坑支护结构的杆系 有限元计算模型,采用MATLAB软件编制了支护结 构变形和内力计算的简要程序。通过工程算例对桩锚 支护体系施工过程中的受力变形进行了数值模拟,并 将计算结果与中国建筑科学研究院地基基础研究所研 发的基坑与边坡支护结构设计软件 RSD的计算结果 进行了对比,结果表明两者位移值和内力值比较接 近,从桩顶位移监控数据中可看出,理论计算值与实 测值吻合较好。有学者从理论结合实例进行分析,对 土钉支护技术进行了较为全面的探讨。研究表明:天 然边坡土体通过土钉的加固并与喷射混凝土面板相结 合,形成 1个类似的重力墙的复合挡土墙,为此抵抗 墙后传来的土压力和其他作用力。有学者通过对深基 坑边坡支护工程的发展与研究现状分析,提出了边坡 处治基本理论及稳定性分析的方法,并对边坡工程的 设计与加固进行了分析研究,介绍了几种增强土坡稳 民用高层建筑深基坑边坡支护措施力学分析 李翔龙 (中建二局第三建筑工程有限公司,北京 100070 )    [摘 要 ] 以某 工程为依托,研究了3 种工况下深基坑边坡支护措施力学变化规律,即5 排土钉+2排预应 力锚杆、4排土钉+2排预应力锚杆、4 排土钉+1排预应力锚杆。采用有限元软件Midas -GTS NX建立3种工况 下深基坑支护力学模型,对比分析了不同工况下边坡支护措施内力、位移变化,支护结构力学变化等。研 究结果表明:工况1 塑性最大值相比工况2 降低19.61%,相比工况3 降低32.79%;预应力锚杆轴向拉力相比工 况2增加值更大,比工况3 最大增加3.57%;竖向沉降值在3 种工况下最小,同时水平位移值更快趋于稳定。 结合现场深基坑边坡支护方案,工况1 有效降低边坡土层变形,提高边坡坡面稳定性。将建模理论计算值与 施工现场检测数据进行对比分析 ,验证了该方法的正确性。    [关键词 ] 民用高层建筑 ;深基坑 ;边坡支护 ;力学分析    [中图分类号]  TU 758.11     [文献标志码]  A    [文章编号]  1001 -523X (2022 )03-0103 -06 MECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF SLOPE SUPPORT MEASURES FOR DEEP FOUNDATION PIT OF CIVIL HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS Li Xiang-long    [Abstract ] Based on a project, the mechanical change law of deep foundation pit slope support measures under three working conditions is studied, namely, 5 rows of soil nails and 2 rows of prestressed anchor bolts, 4 rows of soil nails and 2 rows of prestressed anchor bolts, 4 rows of soil nails and 1 row of prestressed anchor bolts.The mechanical model of deep foundation pit support under three working conditions is established by using the finite element software MIDAS-GTS NX. The changes of internal force and displacement of slope support measures and the mechanical changes of support structure under different working conditions are compared and analyzed. The results show that the maximum plastic value of working condition 1 is 19.61 % lower than that of working condition 2 and 32.79 % lower than that of working condition 3; compared with condition 2, the axial tension of prestressed anchor rod of working condition 1 increases more, with a maximum increase of 3.57% compared with condition 3; the vertical settlement value is the smallest under the three working conditions, and the horizontal displacement value tends to be stable faster. Combined with the on-site deep foundation pit slope support scheme, work condition 1 can effectively reduce the deformation of slope soil layer and improve the stability of slope surface. The correctness of this method is verified by comparing the calculated value of modeling theory with the detection data of construction site.    [Keywords ] civil high-rise buildings ;deep foundation pit ;slope support ;mechanical analysis 收稿日期 :2021–12–22 作者简介 :李翔龙(1994—),男,河南郑州人,助理工程师,主 要研究方向为施工与管理。 /7说[ $? ~ 6 '& Engineering and Technology Building Technology Development