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柱中部钢筋套筒灌浆连接的预制柱抗震性能研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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建筑施工·第45卷·第10期 2115 柱中部钢筋套筒灌浆连接的预制柱抗震性能研究 魏晓峰 诸泓瑜 上海市机械施工集团有限公司 上海 200072 摘要: 钢筋套筒灌浆连接是一种常用的竖向钢筋连接技术。为研究柱中部钢筋套筒灌浆连接预制柱的抗震性能和影响 因素,对3个柱中部钢筋套筒灌浆连接预制柱进行了低周反复加载试验,并与1个整浇混凝土柱进行对比,研究了预制 柱的破坏形态、滞回特性、骨架曲线、位移延性、耗能性能和承载力等抗震性能,分析了连接处施工工艺、轴压比对 其抗震性能的影响。研究结果表明:采用柱中部钢筋套筒灌浆连接的预制柱主要表现为柱根的大偏心受压破坏,滞回 曲线和骨架曲线与整浇试件相似,耗能能力、极限位移、承载力均略大于整浇试件;轴压比的增大将会提高预制试件 的承载力,降低试件的变形能力,并使滞回曲线更加捏拢,进而降低试件的耗能能力;柱中部钢筋套筒灌浆连接预制 柱的抗震性能与传统现浇钢筋混凝土立柱相似,可用于工程建设中。 关键词: 预制混凝土柱;柱中部钢筋套筒灌浆连接;低周反复加载试验;抗震性能 中图分类号: TU 755 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004 -1001(2023)10 -2 115-0 6 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 023.1 0.0 48 Research on Earthquake Resistant Performance of Precast Columns by Rebar Sleeve Grouting Connection in Middle of Column WEI Xiaofeng ZHU Hongyu Shanghai Mechanized Construction Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200072, China Abstract: R eb ar s le eve g ro utin g c onnectio n is a c om monly u se d c onnectio n te chnolo g y fo r v e rtic al re b ar. T o s tu d y th e earth q uake r e sis ta nt p erfo rm ance a nd in flu encin g fa cto rs o f p re cast c olu m ns c onnecte d b y r e b ar s le eve g ro utin g in th e m id dle of c olu m ns, lo w c yc le re p eate d lo ad in g te sts a re c ond ucte d o n th re e p re cast c olu m ns c onnecte d b y s te el s le eve g ro utin g in th e m id dle o f th e c olu m n, a nd c om pare d w it h o ne c ast- in -p la ce c oncre te c olu m n. T he e arth q uake re sis ta nt p erfo rm ance o f p re cast c olu m ns is s tu d ie d , in clu d in g th eir fa ilu re m od es, h yste re sis c hara cte ris tic s, s ke le to n c urv e s, d is p la cem ent d uctilit y , e nerg y d is sip atio n p erfo rm ance, a nd b earin g c ap acit y . T he im pact o f c onstr u ctio n te chnolo g y a nd a xia l c om pre ssio n ra tio a t th e c onnectio n o n th eir e arth q uake re sis ta nt p erfo rm ance is a naly ze d . T he re se arc h re su lt s in d ic ate th at th e p re cast c olu m ns b y re b ar s le eve g ro utin g c onnectio n in th e m id dle o f th e c olu m ns m ain ly e xh ib it la rg e e ccentr ic c om pre ssio n fa ilu re a t th e c olu m n ro ots . T he h yste re sis c urv e a nd s ke le to n c urv e a re s im ila r to th ose o f th e c ast- in -p la ce s p ecim ens, a nd th e e nerg y d is sip atio n c ap acit y , u lt im ate d is p la cem ent, a nd b earin g c ap acit y a re s lig htly g re ate r th an th ose o f th e c ast- in -p la ce sp ecim ens; a n in cre ase in a