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新型拼接预应力空心板弯曲性能试验研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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第 48卷 第 3期 2016年 6月 西安建筑科技大学学报 (自然科学版) J.Xi’an Univ.ofArch.&Tech.(Natural Science Edition、 Vo1.48 NO.3 Jun.2016 DOI:10.159868.1006—7930.2016.03.003 新 型 拼 接 预 应 力 空 心 板 弯 曲 性 能 试 验 研 究 李 青 宁 , 张 皓 , 姜 维 山 , 韩 春 , (1.西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,陕西 西安 710055;2.新乡学院土木工程与建筑学院,河南 新乡 453003) 摘要 :提出一种板底正交方向均配置高强预应力钢筋,板侧通过凹槽相连的新型预制预应力空心板 .对一块空心长板和支撑 失效后两块后浇拼接板足尺试件的裂缝发展情况、混凝土应变、破坏形态、承载能力及弯曲刚度等进行了试验研究 .并根据 ACI 318和我国结构设计规范等,对试件的极限受弯承载力、刚度、挠度等进行了理论计算,并与试验结果做了对比分析.结 果表明:该新型后浇板具备较高的承载力、延性及可靠的连接性能 .空心长板的计算与试验结果吻合较好,后浇板屈服前刚 度理论计算偏大,屈服后与试验结果吻合较好 .建议对于后浇板屈服前短期刚度折减系数偏于安全均取为0.5.按混凝土结 构设计规范中板的受弯挠度限值,所有试件安全储备均较高. 关键词:预应力空心板 ;千斤顶;受弯承载力;弯曲刚度;挠度 中图分类号:Tu 375.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006.7930(2016)03.0321.07 Experim ental study on flexural perform ance of new prestressed spliced hollow.core slabs LIQingning ,ZHANGHao ,JIANG Weishan ,HAN Chun , (1.School ofCivil Engineering,Xi’an Univ.ofArch.&Tech.,Xi’an 710055,China; 2.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Xinxiang University,Xinxiang 453003,China) Abstract: A new precast prestressed hollow—core slab with high strength prestressed tensile reinforcement located in the o~hogo- nal directions of the slab boaom was proposed and its sides were connected through the groove.Behavior of the fu11-scale tested specimens for one long hollow—core slab and two post.poured spliced slabs with support failure,including the development of crack, strain of concrete.failure mode,beating capacity and the bending rigidity etc,were measured and analyzed.According to the ACI 3 1 8 and the structural design codes of China.the ultimate flexural strength.rigidity and deflection of the specimens were calculated respectively.as compared with the test results.From the test and calculation results,it Can be coneluded that the new post-poured slabs have high bearing capacity.ductility and reliable connection performance.The calculation of the long prestressed hollow-core slab was coincided with the test results well and the calculation results of the post.poured slab about bending rigidity was lager be— fore yield but in good agreement with the test results after yield.It iS suggested that the short-term rigidity reduction factor should be 0.5 safely for the post.poured slab before yield.According to the slab deflection limit of the code for design of concrete structures,all ofthe tested specimens had larger safety reserve. Keywords: prestressed hollow.core slab;jack;flexural strength;