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腾讯滨海大厦鱼鳞式倾斜单元体幕墙施工技术(论文).pdf 第1页
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2022·8·Building Construction 1802 腾讯滨海大厦鱼鳞式倾斜单元体幕墙施工技术 程志军 1 王顺雨 2 张满江红 1 张 多 1 翟英帅 1 1. 中国建筑第二工程局有限公司华南分公司 广东 深圳 518048;2. 广州江河幕墙系统工程有限公司 广东 广州 511340 摘要: 腾讯滨海大厦鱼鳞式倾斜单元体幕墙数量多、质量大、工期紧,施工场地狭小,质量要求高,为幕墙安装带来 较大的困难。采用主体结构施工与幕墙安装施工交叉进行的方法,随主体结构施工进展分段吊装幕墙。幕墙单元体板 块主要采用索道、塔吊和活动小吊车进行垂直运输,采用布设在楼层外的环形轨道进行水平运输。通过楼层内环形轨 道进行单元板块的暂存和转运,并采用可拆卸活动滑轮架,保证倾斜单元体板块快速精准插接。采用BIM技术和高精度 测量技术,合理设置安装流程和质量控制关键点,解决了异形超大单元体板块、倾斜单元体板块的安装精度问题,保 证了工程的施工进度与质量。 关键词: 单元体幕墙;鱼鳞式;倾斜;单层环形轨道;室内环形轨道 中图分类号: T U 755 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004- 1001(2022)08- 1802-0 4 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 022.0 8.0 15 Construction Technology of Fish Scale Type Inclined Unit Curtain Wall of Tencent Binhai Building CHENG Zhijun 1 WANG Shunyu 2 ZHANG Manjianghong 1 ZHANG Duo 1 ZHAI Yingshuai 1 1. China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. South China Branch, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518048, China; 2. Guangzhou Jianghe Curtain Wall System Engineering Co., Ltd., Guangzhou, Guangdong 511340, China Abstract: For the Tencent Binhai Building project, there are a large number of fish scale type inclined high-mass unit c urta in w alls , th e c onstr u ctio n p erio d is tig ht, th e c onstr u ctio n s it e is n arro w , a nd it re q uir e s h ig h q ualit y . It b rin g s great difficulties to the installation of curtain walls. Using the method of alternative construction of the main structure a nd c urta in w all in sta lla tio n, a nd th e c urta in w alls a re h ois te d in s e ctio ns a lo ng w it h th e p ro g re ss o f m ain s tr u ctu re construction. The unit curtain wall panels are mainly transported vertically by cableway, tower crane and mobile small crane, and horizontally by annular track arranged outside the floor. The temporary storage and transfer of unit panels are carried out through the annular track in the floor, and the removable movable pulley frame is used to ensure the rapid and accurate insertion of inclined unit panels. BIM technology and high-precision measurement technology are a d op te d to re aso nab ly s e t th e in sta lla tio n p ro cess a nd k e y p oin ts o f q ualit y c ontr o l, s o lv e th e in sta lla tio n a ccura cy problem of special-shaped super large unit panels and inclined unit panels, and ensure the construction progress and qualit y of the project. Keywords: u nit c urta in w all; fis h s c ale ty p e; in clin e; s in g le la ye r a nnula r tr a ck; in d oor c ir c ula r tr a ck