Building Technology Development q r1X
C o n s tru c tio n T e c h n o lo g yBUILBDDN
2 0 1 9年11月建筑施工中防水防渗施工技术祝 羿 ,韩 峰 ,陆 杰 ,叶方征,曾云龙(中国建筑第二工程局衡阳雅士林御苑项目部,湖 南 衡 阳 421000)[摘要]21世纪以来我国经济发展迅速,在社会各领域中建筑也被广泛应用,在建筑工程施工中,应用更为先进的施工材
料及技术,以此提升整体建筑物的安全稳定性。 由于随着人们生活质量的不断提升,对建筑工程的综合性能也比以往有着更高
体建筑物有效使用造成了严重影响,鉴于此,需研究和调查建筑防水防渗施工技术,以有效保障建筑工程整体的安全性。[关键词]建 筑 施 工 ;防 水 防 渗 ;渗漏[中图分类号]T U761. i l [文献标志码]B [文章编号]1001-523X (2019) 22-0021-02董总人郭建程建理理监 总质表 公郭郭程总北郭 张建郭学郭质人.理质 测理质工人建司:人.理质
Technology in Building ConstructionZ h u Y i, Han F e n g , L u J i e , Ye F an g -zh en g , Z e n g Y u n -lo n g8 d xDyfcmy ] Since the 21st century, China's economy has developed rapidly, and buildings in various fields o f society have been
applied. China has extensively begun to use science and technology to use more advanced construction materials and technologies in
construction projects to enhance the overall building's security and stability. As the quality o f people's life continues to im prove, the
comprehensive perform ance o f the construction project, has higher requirem ents than ever b efore, especially for the w aterproof and
impervious performance o f buildings, in order to protect people's quality o f life and living environm ent, it is necessary to do w aterproof
and anti-seepage function. When constructing industrial civil buildings, some construction units still have more problem s in using this
technology, which causes the leakage o f water bodies in all aspects o f construction projects. Effective use has caused serious impact. In
view o f th is , we need to study and investigate the w aterproof and seepage prevention construction technology o f buildings to effectively
protect the overall safety o f construction projects.[ Keywords ] building construction ; w aterproof and seepage prevention ; leakageG ? ? ?'8D ?*D/:{/?K6?) ?D?w
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