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建筑科技创新与节能减排系统的协同演化研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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摘 要:基于协同学理论,识别子系统序参量构建建筑科技创新与节能减排复合系统协同度测度模型,对我 国建筑 业 2010 -2019 年数 据进行实证分析。研究 结果发现,复合系统协同度 呈 上升趋势但仍属于轻 度失调, 主 要是 建 筑 业 科 技 创 新 子系 统 的 协同度 不 高 所 致。科 技 创 新 子系 统中 R&D人员、技术装备率投入与节能减 排子系统能源效率、能源消费结构序参量有序度变化影响复合系统协同度。 关键 词: 科 技 创 新 ; 序 参 量 ;节 能 减 排 ;协 同 演 化 中图分类号: F426. 21;F 273.1   文献标识码: A  文章编号:10 02 -851X(2023 )S1 -0 491 -05 DOI :10.14181/j.c n k i.10 0 2 - 851x . 20 23S1491 Research on the Co-Evolution of Building Technology Innovation and Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Syst em LANG Siqi 1, LIU Haifang 1, CHEN Jie 1,LI Lihong 2 ( 1.City Institute of Dalian University of Technology ,Dalian 116000 ,China ;2.Shenyang Jianzhu University ,Shenyang 110000 ,China ) Abstract : Based on the concordance theory ,the subsystem order covariates were identified to construct a composite system synergy measurement model of construction science and technology innovation and energy saving and emission reduction ,and the data of China's construction industry from 2010-2019 were empirically analyzed. The results of the study found that the synergy of the composite system was on the rise but still belonged to a mild disorder ,mainly due to the low synergy of the science and technology innovation subsystem in the construction industry. Changes in the orderliness of R&D personnel and technical equipment rate inputs in the science and technology innovation subsystem and energy efficiency and energy consumption structure sequence parameters in the energy conservation and emission reduction subsystem affect the degree of composite system s y n e r g y. Keywords : science and technology innovation ;order parameter ;energy-conservation and emission-reduction ; co-evoluti